You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if .... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if ....

MONMIX said:
tell me about separation of church and state.
Does that mean there is no God.
Does that mean the ten comandments do not exist or are not decent values ?
Does the state have any say on when where and how I pray, hell no and the never will. It is my right it is my freedom in this country to pray to the God I wish.

What the F*** does separation of church and state have to do with Al's list ?
Not a G.D. thing.

If the word In God We Trust offends you. Get over it. **** offends me all the itme but I am not running around pissing and moaning about it. Political correctness is bull **** and it is a cancer that is going to eat our freedom and individuality from the inside out.

Not saying this about any one here or any one in perticular, but f***ing libs keep blowing hot air saying we need to accept gays, and this and that and the other thing. Yes this is true I will not argue that one iota, but how dare you say that wile at the same time trampeling on my freedom. It is a two way street. I will give you your freedom, but dont try to take mine.

Sorry people I am in a pissy mood.

ass..your an ass..ever hear of differing opinions?

i'll point out what i had a problem with..

"You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You bow your head when someone prays."

uhh..why in the F should i have to bow my head when somone wants to practice there belifes..i'm sorry but Fk that. guess that doesnt make me a "true american" does it?

thats the only one that i was hung up on. i'm just tired of hypacritical christans shoving there belifes on me(happing alot laltly maybe thats why i got so heated up.

main prob i had is why in the HELL does god play a role in the fact if your a "true amarican" i think thats BS.

BTW i'm republican and christain...i'm just very non-religious.

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Sounds like a redneck utopia to me. I'm an American citizen, therefore I'm a true American. Flamebait much al? ;)

its your not really

96 Limited X

Easy there young fella'
Calling that list of values exclusivly to the christian faith is incorrect.

Like some one said it is a matter of respect. I dont care if some one is praying to Jesus, Alla, or satan, that prayer deserves respect.

My point was this. You implied that list was exclusive to christians.
it is not.

You say you dont have to respect other people spiritual beliefs, I say you should.
More so if you want them to respect yours

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: It never occurred to you to be offended by the phrase, "One nation, under God."

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You've never protested about seeing the 10 Commandments posted in public places.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You still say "Christmas" instead of "Winter Festival."

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You bow your head when someone prays.

I am not religious at all, and I don't understand how people can have issues with 1-4. Maybe I am missing something? It doesn't bother me that "God" is printed, spoken, etc. anywhere. I call it Christmas. Protesting is for hippies. :p And my best friend's family (well, parents) are catholics so praying was a normal thing at their house and you can bet I bowed and said grace along with them.

That's my take at least. :D

Man, yall all get butthurt over religion so i say lets talk about chicks. There's this 21 year old chick that i work with that i swear to God has the most perfect ass ive ever seen. You could literally measure it with a micrometer and it would not be more than .040 out of round. Discuss.

wait a minute, froader is tryion some reverse psychology on me...haha.your smart(seriosuly, that was a smart move to see if i stuck to my words)

EDIT: never mind he came out and said it.

james t said:
Man, yall all get butthurt over religion so i say lets talk about chicks. There's this 21 year old chick that i work with that i swear to God has the most perfect ass ive ever seen. You could literally measure it with a micrometer and it would not be more than .040 out of round. Discuss.
Do you find yourself unnecessarily going to her department? We had a chick like that when I worked in LA. "Shipping Girl" was her name.

section525 said:
Do you find yourself unnecessarily going to her department? We had a chick like that when I worked in LA. "Shipping Girl" was her name.
Yes. This chick's name is "sweet ass". Ive ehem helped her out before. I dont know WTF Cooper was thinking hiring this chick to work with 1800 guys. She has quite possibly the most perfect ass on the earth (internet or real life) and its on a killer body with a pretty face at that. She's uh.... real friendly too so i try to stay away from her now... long story...

MONMIX said:
tell me about separation of church and state.
Does that mean there is no God.

No, of course it does not mean that there is no god. That is clearly a personal decision that can only be made by individuals themselves. But at the same time our government should not claim that there is a god. Seperation of church and states means that our government should be indifferent in all religious matters. I think it is hypocritical to say there is a seperation between church and state when we still have "one nation, under god" in our anthem and "in god we trust" all over our money.

BONE ER//or in the terms of larry the cable guy, GET 'ER DONE!!!

james t said:
Yes. This chick's name is "sweet ass". Ive ehem helped her out before. I dont know WTF Cooper was thinking hiring this chick to work with 1800 guys. She has quite possibly the most perfect ass on the earth (internet or real life) and its on a killer body with a pretty face at that. She's uh.... real friendly too so i try to stay away from her now... long story...

She called your cell phone, didn't she?

We're going to need some photographs. Or at least a better description.

james t said:
She has quite possibly the most perfect ass on the earth (internet or real life) and its on a killer body with a pretty face at that. She's uh.... real friendly too
That's because she's not from the west coast.

james t said:
Man, yall all get butthurt over religion so i say lets talk about chicks. There's this 21 year old chick that i work with that i swear to God has the most perfect ass ive ever seen. You could literally measure it with a micrometer and it would not be more than .040 out of round. Discuss.

The only thing I can find missing on the Audi forums are things like this. :D

But just for my peace of mind...

96limitedX said:
BTW i'm republican and christain...i'm just very non-religious.


:confused: :confused: :confused:

Oh well.

Also, anyone else see that this thread is getting around 1 post per min, if not more?

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