Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle or ZAPV | Page 18 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle or ZAPV



I had just bought the truck for 4k with just over 100k miles on it, was just going to be a daily driver but decided to make it a capable off road vehicle. Soon you will see the transformation of this truck into the ZAPV or Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle.

This is how I got the truck.


I decided to put bed liner on all of the plastic parts, and it looked good. At this point I thought I was done with the body (foolish me) I was going to settle for a good looking with minor capabilities truck.






I soon grew tiered of all the plastic wrapped around the truck, and the fact that the bed liner wasn’t sticking to it, so I pulled all of the plastic off and started over. I filled all of the holes left by the plastic with bondo or expanding insulation foam.




Bed lining was applied next. The whole truck was covered (including the rear wheel well). This didn't take as long as I thought it would.






(this is where I put bondo to fill in the divit.


And at last the Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle or ZAPV. It is the essential vehicle to use in case of a zombie outbreak, it can drive long distances, prevent rust, clime mountains, find high ground, and cover your sent from the brain eating *******s. This should not be your only plan in an zombie infestation, but you should always keep several options on the table. A vehicle would be the first step of a evacuation from an infected area. You would only want to use it to get out of a major city and make it to a relatively rural zone where you can take a high vantage point. Remember always be prepared.






EDIT: I don't have time to make rules and such for membership so if any one want to be in Team ZAPV just pick a number (except 1-3)

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NO NO that's not a hoax, the zombies are here. The government is trying to cover up the most dangerous outbreak since the black plague!!!

ZAPV's assemble!

(Ive always wanted to say that :D )

LOL that is an awesome vehicle!!

How long did it take you to cover the whole truck in a bedliner?

and always remember an extra helpful item is the Zombie survival guide, just throw out your car manual and chuck that in its place.

LOL that is an awesome vehicle!!

How long did it take you to cover the whole truck in a bedliner?

and always remember an extra helpful item is the Zombie survival guide, just throw out your car manual and chuck that in its place.

I already have the zombie survival guide as well as World War Z (both by Max brooks). Absolutely a must read for any of the ZAPV team :)

It took about 5 to 8 hours spread out over a coulple of weeks to get the bed liner on.

Notice how the Raptors havn't made it here though;) That's why I really don't have a job anymore. The public needs my help:p:

I already have the zombie survival guide as well as World War Z (both by Max brooks). Absolutely a must read for any of the ZAPV team :)

It took about 5 to 8 hours spread out over a coulple of weeks to get the bed liner on.

I need to read World War Z still :( How do I go about becoming a ZAPV certified vehicle?

You should make a ZAPV bumper sticker or something *forgive me if this already exists there are alot of pages and I do not want to read them all haha*
I would love one lol I showed my work buddies your truck they all think its awesome.:thumbsup:

Notice how the Raptors havn't made it here though;) That's why I really don't have a job anymore. The public needs my help:p:
Sorry to hear about the job, but now you have more time to fight the dino's right?
I need to read World War Z still :( How do I go about becoming a ZAPV certified vehicle?

You should make a ZAPV bumper sticker or something *forgive me if this already exists there are alot of pages and I do not want to read them all haha*
I would love one lol I showed my work buddies your truck they all think its awesome.:thumbsup:

any one can be part of the zapv team, no modifications needed. Simply pick a zapv # that isn't in use (I can't remember them all right now but there are plenty of options left) I know the numbers 1-3, 7, x or 10, I think 67, I know I’m missing some but Ill fix that with the website as I go through all of the pages. :D

I just got done finishing the Team ZAPV page, check it out (if you want any info added to your specs let me know)


Also I don't have any photos or info on CmdrPopNFresh

custom bumpers front and rear, custom roof rack, pa 3" BL, 2 inch lift shackles (rear), cragar soft 8's, 30x10.5 super swamper tsl's.

I'm kinda rethinking the "X or 10" part. I'm thinkin most people will know X stands for 10 if they made it past the 4th grade. can we drop the 10? maybe having them in order by number would be cool too, your site, just a suggestion. I'll also see if I got a better pic too, that one is kinda grainy.

*edit* I don't have any pics with my new rims and tires. I'll try to get some soon.

Well that is just awesome!!

Ill take ZAPV 24

How do I get you a picture?

Also, my friend let me know the undead enemy has a site and they have a large amount of numbers ;)

o man! im on there! woo hoo! lol! maybe you could add this into zapv 6
name: tony
location: salt lake city utah
vehicle: 93 Explorer Sport (nicknamed Rusty) 5.5" superlift. 33x12.50r15 maxxis buckshots. plenty of custom rust body effects

i dont have any pictures of it right now cause its in the process of getting new cylinderheads tomorrow and slowly working its way to being lifted......its not my daily driver so why rush?!?! do you want the pictures i have of it from when i first got it? its pretty sad looking.

ok here is the numbers that are taken now, 1-3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 19, 66, 88, and 174. that's only 9 members with claimed #'s. come on guys, gotta be organized to be prepared......

and 24. now. am I missing anyone? the above info was as of page 14

I will be changing some things on the site, I just put them up as I found them, I was thinking of doing the zapv's by #, but region sounds good too, Ill see.

Ill change info on people soon :D

I think 174 is maybe greensborro NC? I don't remember him being an ND member.

raptor-zombies!?! Run!!!!!!
Like that will work, you will just die tired and sweaty and all gross. :)

Hey CCr.

Nobody has called ZAPV 0, have they? I do now.

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Thanks, I am still working on my explorer, its a 93 4x4, I am planning what I am going to do for lift right now.
