Zune with WMP? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Zune with WMP?


USMC 1371
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February 15, 2010
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I have a Zune that I would like to use with Windows Media Player. I know there used to be software out there that would allow this, but it seems to have disappeared.

My question is: does anyone know how I can make the Zune work with WMP?

Thanks for looking in! :wavey:

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Don't Like the Zune software Ron? I'll admit it is a lacking features, but then again, so is the Zune so i guess it fits ;)

I like the Zune software just fine. I have a friend of mine that hates her iPod & iTunes and is looking for another option. Seems the players that work with WMP don't have the capacity of the Zune & iPod. She has a 160GB iPod now and would like something with similar capacity. I know the Zune has a 120GB model, since that's what I have.

BUMP Anybody have any suggestions or input?

Steve, thanks for the link. It appears that used to be the case, but no longer. The Zune only shows up in the Device Manager as a portable device & in the Zune software. It doesn't show up as a storage device, so the auto play deal is irrelevant.

I haven't given up on this yet. I love a good challenge!!

I had somewhat of a breakthrough. I discovered that all playlists created with WMP are automatically transferred to the Zune software. A step in the right direction.

Turns out she doesn't want the Zune and is heading in a different direction.
