Swapping a 2wd 6R60 in place of a 4wd 6R60 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Swapping a 2wd 6R60 in place of a 4wd 6R60


New Member
December 10, 2019
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2006 V8 Eddie Bauer
Hi Everyone. First post and looking for information.

I've got a V8 4wd with a bad 6R60 transmission and a bad front differential. I'd like to replace the bad 6R60 with a 2wd 6R60 and associated driveshaft.

Reasons: I want to avoid the cost of the front axle replacement, and with 144k, I'd like to eliminate any potential costs of transfer case problems too. Fuel mileage benefits, mostly street drive, etc.

Will the new 2wd 6R60 communicate with the PCM?

Will the PCM throw errors without a transfer case?
I unplugged the transfer case connection and got no problems, so I think this part will be OK.

Thanks in Advance!

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Everything will work but the advance trac. It may act funny missing the speed signal from the tcase but I'd think its something you could disable if you get the bcm out of a 2wd truck.

Hi there, Aggie this is an easy fix. The parts are fairly inexpensive, front diffs are found often for 50.-200. Bucks. The transmission 2x or 4x 250.-1200. This is not a guess I’m going the opposite direction my 2010 Sta is a 2x4 I bought a 4x trans from a long time yard friend at B&R w 23k and 2 front diff 3.73 & 3.55 1000.00 trans 100.$ diffs. My truck has 75k on it with a 2x trans.
I have bought a built 6r80 and circle D converter with a stand alone trans controller to go behind the 5.8 gt500 engine I’m installing now. Your & my 6r60 use an internal L frame/ computer you could swap the 2x trans and Driveline stright, in the BCM does not get any input from the t/case on these cases. BCM does send traction request to the t/case when the wheel speed/abs senses slip it’s just a 1 wire out/in put to the TOD coil in the back of the t/case.
Your truck would try to lock the TOD “clutch” if it saw a request from the BCM to the TCCM and since the t/case is gone the traction light would come on all the time in the wet “ha ha” like mine does. Now if you where to remove the TCCM and not reflash the truck as 2x4 with a different “forced “ or build as vin you would have light on.
Did I just ramble on as my wife would say,? sound like an easy swap BUT taking the stuff out is about as labor intensive as just fixing the truck. You would still have to buy a trans (what condition for what price ?) a great place for parts is car-parts.com
And Miles at B&R in Madras Or. and they ship, tell him John at Quadvan sent you.
P.S. not an add posting just helping hint.

Hi there, Aggie this is an easy fix. The parts are fairly inexpensive, front diffs are found often for 50.-200. Bucks. The transmission 2x or 4x 250.-1200. This is not a guess I’m going the opposite direction my 2010 Sta is a 2x4 I bought a 4x trans from a long time yard friend at B&R w 23k and 2 front diff 3.73 & 3.55 1000.00 trans 100.$ diffs. My truck has 75k on it with a 2x trans.
I have bought a built 6r80 and circle D converter with a stand alone trans controller to go behind the 5.8 gt500 engine I’m installing now. Your & my 6r60 use an internal L frame/ computer you could swap the 2x trans and Driveline stright, in the BCM does not get any input from the t/case on these cases. BCM does send traction request to the t/case when the wheel speed/abs senses slip it’s just a 1 wire out/in put to the TOD coil in the back of the t/case.
Your truck would try to lock the TOD “clutch” if it saw a request from the BCM to the TCCM and since the t/case is gone the traction light would come on all the time in the wet “ha ha” like mine does. Now if you where to remove the TCCM and not reflash the truck as 2x4 with a different “forced “ or build as vin you would have light on.
Did I just ramble on as my wife would say,? sound like an easy swap BUT taking the stuff out is about as labor intensive as just fixing the truck. You would still have to buy a trans (what condition for what price ?) a great place for parts is car-parts.com
And Miles at B&R in Madras Or. and they ship, tell him John at Quadvan sent you.
P.S. not an add posting just helping hint.

crap you are building something that most of us have only dreamed about we will need tons of videos of the final product as it ranks up there with the never done before twin turbo coyote swap

No doubt. If you've not seen a pic of his STA yet, you ought to look it up. Gorgeous truck already...when it's done..it'll be an ass kicker on a whole other level.

