Fuses for 6-pin connector? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuses for 6-pin connector?


Active Member
September 27, 2022
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City, State
Sparks, NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 FPIU
2017 FPIU
The Upfitter's Manual says that the 6-pin connector has three 40A fuses, in Battery Junction Box positions 40, 16 and 6.

The diagram in the manual (page 2-119) doesn't SHOW #40, and on my 2016, putting a fuse in #16 didn't put power into the plug, and #6 doesn't seem to actually have any contacts!

Since had the 6-pin plug in use while on the job, I know that there are fuses SOMEWHERE.

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The Upfitter's Manual says that the 6-pin connector has three 40A fuses, in Battery Junction Box positions 40, 16 and 6.

The diagram in the manual (page 2-119) doesn't SHOW #40, and on my 2016, putting a fuse in #16 didn't put power into the plug, and #6 doesn't seem to actually have any contacts!

Since had the 6-pin plug in use while on the job, I know that there are fuses SOMEWHERE.
This is for a 2016 PIU


So, none of the numbers mentioned in the manual text are correct?

Thanks, I would have never found this.
I’m not sure. This is directly from Ford and has always been correct for me. Hopefully this helps 👍

I’m not sure. This is directly from Ford and has always been correct for me. Hopefully this helps 👍
But pages 2-73 and 2-74 list three entirely different fuses for that plug. Go figure.


The text IS wrong.

The three fuses are 25, 55 and 56, just as shown in the graphic.

And the cigarette lighter sockets (called "power points" in the documentation) are fuses #60 and #62.
