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  1. Taillights with & without a cut out.

    Taillights with & without a cut out.

    The light on the left is for a non rear wiper equipped Aerostar. The light on the right is for a rear wiper equipped Aerostar.
  2. Torchdown rubberized roofing with seam tape.

    Torchdown rubberized roofing with seam tape.

  3. Bottom view with two sash locks.

    Bottom view with two sash locks.

  4. Bottom view with the machine removed.

    Bottom view with the machine removed.

  5. Bottom view with the machine installed.

    Bottom view with the machine installed.

  6. Bottom door with a piano hinge.

    Bottom door with a piano hinge.

  7. Bleeder screws with a built in check valve.

    Bleeder screws with a built in check valve.

    Motormite/Dorman/Help sell bleeder screws with a built in check valve to make bleeding the brake system a one person job.
  8. Bleeder screw with a vacuum cap.

    Bleeder screw with a vacuum cap.

    The part number from Motormite/Dorman/Help is 47392. The size is 7/32".
  9. Cigarette lighter plug with connectors.

    Cigarette lighter plug with connectors.

  10. Timer with wiring.

    Timer with wiring.

    The timer is part of the battery charging base.
  11. The 60 minute timer with the circuit board.

    The 60 minute timer with the circuit board.

    Mechanical charger modification.
  12. Close up view of the pipe with O rings.

    Close up view of the pipe with O rings.

  13. Wiremold extension box with right set screw.

    Wiremold extension box with right set screw.

  14. Wiremold extension box with left set screw.

    Wiremold extension box with left set screw.

  15. Tighten the set screws with an Allen wrench.

    Tighten the set screws with an Allen wrench.

  16. Always support the opposite shock with a Vice Grip.

    Always support the opposite shock with a Vice Grip.

    Always support the opposite shock with a Vice Grip when replacing lift support shocks.
  17. The side of the face plate is aligned with a tab.

    The side of the face plate is aligned with a tab.

  18. The bottom of the face plate is aligned with a tab.

    The bottom of the face plate is aligned with a tab.

  19. Check the thread with a die.

    Check the thread with a die.

  20. Old capillary filter cut open with crystals still inside.

    Old capillary filter cut open with crystals still inside.

  21. Cleaning the tubing with an abrasive.

    Cleaning the tubing with an abrasive.

  22. Rear view of the rotor with new studs.

    Rear view of the rotor with new studs.

  23. Front view of the rotor with new studs.

    Front view of the rotor with new studs.

  24. Refilling the squeeze bottle with oil.

    Refilling the squeeze bottle with oil.

  25. The overload relay with the start capacitor.

    The overload relay with the start capacitor.
