Wanted - 請問03explorer V6發動機可以裝置V8的嗎? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted 請問03explorer V6發動機可以裝置V8的嗎?

Parts or services wanted

Ash Hsu

New Member
January 20, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
taipei taiwan
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003Explorer 4.0V6
Hello, everyone, I am from Taiwan explorer 4.0V6 owners, due to the small number of Taiwan this car, so did the introduction of V8 version, but I love the V8 power and noise so like their own devices, would in theory run to do this? how do I buy it from the U.S.?

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Hello, everyone, I am from Taiwan explorer 4.0V6 owners, due to the small number of Taiwan this car, so did the introduction of V8 version, but I love the V8 power and noise so like their own devices, would in theory run to do this? how do I buy it from the U.S.?

Are you asking how to import a V8 equipped Explorer to Taiwan???

Or how to buy a V8 motor, ship it to Taiwan and install it in place of your V6???

might want to check your translator as to this just gave me a headache reading....

and try this link this will help you out greatly.link

After rereading again, he's basically saying the has a 4.0 V6 and would prefer to have a V8 because of the power and sound. It seems they don't make the V8 there or they are very hard to find. He wants to know what something like this will cost after buying and shipping a motor from the US to Taiwan and installing it.

My response: NOT WORTH IT! I would look at performance parts for the V6 because the cost of buying and shipping a motor over to Taiwan would be $$$.

After rereading again, he's basically saying the has a 4.0 V6 and would prefer to have a V8 because of the power and sound. It seems they don't make the V8 there or they are very hard to find. He wants to know what something like this will cost after buying and shipping a motor from the US to Taiwan and installing it.

My response: NOT WORTH IT! I would look at performance parts for the V6 because the cost of buying and shipping a motor over to Taiwan would be $$$.

Agreed...it's costly enough for us to make that swap in the US, but adding the shipping and someone who can properly do it wont be fun or easy.

Limited must be Thai cuz I re-read that a few times and didnt know what the hell was going on lol..but yeah the V-8's arent even much faster.
