02 Explorer V8 Eddie Bauer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02 Explorer V8 Eddie Bauer

Maverick 1791

July 19, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Carol Stream, Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Ford Explorer Eddie
I have a 02 Ford Explorer with a V8 engine with 187,000 miles on it.
My question is what type of power steering to use. The manusl is confusing & the internet is worse. I bought some Macron V and it states it is use for Ford ATF & power steering units. Can anyone confirm the use of Macron V?
Also would it be advisable to completely change the fluid since its 22 years old and never has been changed?
Thanks for your advice!


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The proper fluid to use is Mercon V.


Much appreciated! I’ll buy Valvoline Mercon V ATF. On the back it says its OK for any requirement of Mercon. Thanks

You're welcome. Included is my reference source, so you have more than just my say-so.

"All power steering systems built between 1998 and 2012 require the use of Mercon V fluid."

It’s amazing how many different recommendations that i have gotten from people all over the internet including my Ford Service Advisor.
Thanks for your follow up!

Since my Explorer is over 22 years & have never changed my power steering fluid, should I start now?

It’s amazing how many different recommendations that i have gotten from people all over the internet including my Ford Service Advisor.
Thanks for your follow up!

Since my Explorer is over 22 years & have never changed my power steering fluid, should I start now?
I'm surprised it's still working after 22 years. Mine went bad about what your mileage is now.

If it was me, I'd change it. If it fails soon after, it was going to fail in the near future anyway.

I'm surprised it's still working after 22 years. Mine went bad about what your mileage is now.

If it was me, I'd change it. If it fails soon after, it was going to fail in the near future anyway.

Im planning on replacing the fluid in the next week or so. What did it cost you to get it replaced? Was it a do it yourself project?

Question: Why is your profile picture showing a Mountaineer on a flat bed tow truck?

Just curious?

OK, so now I feel guilty -- mine still has the factory steering fluid in it (154k miles). I've bought a turkey baster and Prestone Power Steering Fluid. I'm going to change it in a couple of days. I'm just going to suck the fluid out and replace with new fluid, drive it, steer it, then do it again, several times, until the fluid looks much cleaner. It looks very easily a DIY project, there are a few videos on YouTube showing different ways to do it. I'm choosing the easy and clean way to do it.

Im planning on replacing the fluid in the next week or so. What did it cost you to get it replaced? Was it a do it yourself project?

Question: Why is your profile picture showing a Mountaineer on a flat bed tow truck?

Just curious?
It can be diy....look at fordysenior's post above.

My profile pic, that's my mounty in one of only several times it was on a flatbed, that's all.

OK, so now I feel guilty -- mine still has the factory steering fluid in it (154k miles). I've bought a turkey baster and Prestone Power Steering Fluid. I'm going to change it in a couple of days. I'm just going to suck the fluid out and replace with new fluid, drive it, steer it, then do it again, several times, until the fluid looks much cleaner. It looks very easily a DIY project, there are a few videos on YouTube showing different ways to do it. I'm choosing the easy and clean way to do it.

I purchased an Oil Extraction Pump on Amazon (see pic) It will be interesting to see the color of the PS fluid after 22 years.
Basically, Im going to follow your process until im comfortable that the fluid is new. Should take a couple of quarts to complete?


I purchased an Oil Extraction Pump on Amazon (see pic) It will be interesting to see the color of the PS fluid after 22 years.
Basically, Im going to follow your process until im comfortable that the fluid is new. Should take a couple of quarts to complete?

View attachment 452094
I had my mechanic change it but the above will work. How many quarts I don't know. @fordysenior, any ideas?

No, no idea -- I bought a quart, and if I need to get more, so be it. At my age, I really don't want to lay on the ground to drain it out, or buy the supplies to do it. And keeping me and the area clean is important to me. I've got enough other fish to fry, so I'm taking the easy way out.

No, no idea -- I bought a quart, and if I need to get more, so be it. At my age, I really don't want to lay on the ground to drain it out, or buy the supplies to do it. And keeping me and the area clean is important to me. I've got enough other fish to fry, so I'm taking the easy way out.

No, no idea -- I bought a quart, and if I need to get more, so be it. At my age, I really don't want to lay on the ground to drain it out, or buy the supplies to do it. And keeping me and the area clean is important to me. I've got enough other fish to fry, so I'm taking the easy way out.

Hey fordysenior, thanks for the info. I received my extraction pump today so i plan on doing the service this weekend.
Im curious to see how it looks after 22 years of service?
Stay Safe




Sounds good. Consider eventually changing the fluid in the pumpkins as well...I recommend siphon and fill through same hole, easy-peasy.

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