1989 Aerostar. Master cylinder ports. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1989 Aerostar. Master cylinder ports.


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January 23, 2016
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2013 F150
Hi folks,
I have a modified Studebaker in which the previous owner installed a master cylinder from a 1989 Aerostar. I need to do some work to the brake system but first want to check that he has the master cylinder lines going to the correct ends of the car. My research comes up with conflicting information.

So my question is: Does the port nearest the mounting bracket go to the front brakes? I am hoping someone here can actually look at their system and let me know.
Thank you,

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generally the larger bowl gos to the disc brakes.

There is only one chamber for the brake fluid so I cannot use that method to determine the proper arrangement.
That is why I am asking someone to actually look at theirs and let me know.

Member here called Brooklyn Bay is the Aerostar king.

He may pop in after while.

But zenish is right.

On you Studebaker are all 4 wheels still drums?

Or have they been converted too?

Disc fronts and drum rear.


The one on my 91 is different than the one on an 89 but every ford I own has the rear brake port on the front, away from the booster and firewall. The guy across the street from me sells studebaker nos parts. I love his avanti.

Thanks, who is your neighbor? I've met a lot of Studebaker people over the years at swap meets, etc.
I don't have a handy picture of the one I'm dealing with now (51 business coupe) but thought you might be interested in seeing my other two.


  • img_7502.jpg
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  • 2013_08_31 CH Studebaker (2) Steve Brown 1937 President.jpg
    2013_08_31 CH Studebaker (2) Steve Brown 1937 President.jpg
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Thanks, who is your neighbor? I've met a lot of Studebaker people over the years at swap meets, etc.
I don't have a handy picture of the one I'm dealing with now (51 business coupe) but thought you might be interested in seeing my other two.

Chuck is his name. studebakerparts.com
That bottom photo reminds me of the town deadwood.

I do know Chuck and have borrowed and purchased parts from him. Great guy.
That bottom picture was in the Black Hills near Custer where we have a Studebaker Memorial Day car show each year. In the background is the ongoing Crazy Horse carving.

i really like the yellow one

Those are really close to original colors.

These 3 scanes were taken from my Ford truck manual (old printed version):


  • Aerostar brake diagram 1..jpg
    Aerostar brake diagram 1..jpg
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  • Aerostar brake diagram 2..jpg
    Aerostar brake diagram 2..jpg
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  • Aerostar brake diagram 3..jpg
    Aerostar brake diagram 3..jpg
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Perfect! Thank you. I could not find this type of diagram anywhere on the web.

Told you he was the king!

You are right and with 25 inches of snow in NYC I really didn't expect anyone there to go outside to look.
Thanks to all who answered with helpful suggestions.

I couldn't find these diagrams on the Internet or on any of my software. I had to dig through my printed manuals, scan the pages, edit the photos (one didn't come out so perfect since all 3 were in books which don't fit correctly into a scanner), then upload them to the site. It took a couple of hours for just 3 photos, but what counts is that you have what you need.

As for the snow, I spent a lot of time digging last night, and I know what I'll be doing after breakfast today. :D

I'd love to repay your help with my skid steer which I use for snow but it would probably all be melted by the time I arrived.
Thank you again as you went above and beyond my expectations.

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