1994 explorer coolant loss | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1994 explorer coolant loss


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October 29, 2023
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City, State
Portland, Oregon
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer Sport
Hey. I got this issue with my explorer that' seems to be getting worse. It consistently loses coolant, no external leaks I can see but it is always about a quart low on coolant. I recently replaced the radiator and all the hoses and of course it didn't change the issue. At times on cold start it has a slight misfire making me think head gasket but it does not ever get hot and when starting it with the radiator cap off there is no coolant blowing out. Here's the weird thing, on two different occasions on cold start it misfired pretty bad and was belching out what looked like steam very heavily. Each episode lasted about two minutes then it didn't do it again. There was a months time gap between them and here's the thing. After it did that there was not excessive pressure in the cooning system and the coolant level was completely full. Are these known for having head gasket issues and do the heads crack much?;The intake manifold gasket was new about a year ago. I just need a little input as to if there is something I'm.missing. there are no external leaks. I'm thinking the smart thing to do would be to get a couple heads from the pick it yard and have them checked for cracks and warpage and all the stuff needed and just replace the heads and gaskets. That way I'll have all my bases covered. Any input would be appreciated. Also, is there any tips on how to stop the dog gone oil leaks? I've replaced the rear main, valve cover gaskets, oil filter adapter o ring and it still leaks like a sieve.

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Yes the first gen heads can crack. Aftermarket heads address the issue.

As for the oil leaks, after all the replacing you have done where is it leaking from now? Or are the repairs continuing to leak?

My heads were cracked between the valves on a couple cylinders. Pretty sure the truck was overheated before i bought it.

Coolant entering combustion chamber
Does exhaust smell sweet at cold start?
Pull spark plugs, effected cylinders will be white washed at least on one side

Classic 4.0 ohv

Some people with minor leaks like this and 4.0 use k seal and some other products, they have been proven to work when done right. Must be re applied over time, the temp head gasket treatments ( the hood ones) do wear off, but they also work and can buy you 100 miles or 100000 more

Be careful with reman cheapo heads from the internet. I have had some questionable ones come through the shop, broken spring, 10 of 16 valve seals leaking because they painted the mating surfaces under the seals?
I had to re do the job after 500 miles and re seal both heads / oem springs

Coolant entering combustion chamber
Does exhaust smell sweet at cold start?
Pull spark plugs, effected cylinders will be white washed at least on one side

Classic 4.0 ohv

Some people with minor leaks like this and 4.0 use k seal and some other products, they have been proven to work when done right. Must be re applied over time, the temp head gasket treatments ( the hood ones) do wear off, but they also work and can buy you 100 miles or 100000 more

Be careful with reman cheapo heads from the internet. I have had some questionable ones come through the shop, broken spring, 10 of 16 valve seals leaking because they painted the mating surfaces under the seals?
I had to re do the job after 500 miles and re seal both heads / oem springs

Do you know if the Delta cylinder heads are still available?

Yes the first gen heads can crack. Aftermarket heads address the issue.

As for the oil leaks, after all the replacing you have done where is it leaking from now? Or are the repairs continuing to leak?
Where can I get the aftermarket heads?

Yes the first gen heads can crack. Aftermarket heads address the issue.

As for the oil leaks, after all the replacing you have done where is it leaking from now? Or are the repairs continuing to leak?
Well, I checked this thing out a little closer and I did notice the white crusty stuff around the soft plugs on the engine and the back of one head. The ones on the engine look nearly impossible to do so I guess I'll be pulling the engine and doing some major surgery on it between the soft plugs and head gaskets. Starting to wonder if it's even worth fixing.

Pull the 4.0 and replace it with a 5.0.

How many miles on the engine?

We fix these all the time, with a refresh you can put new life into an old 4.0

Well, I checked this thing out a little closer and I did notice the white crusty stuff around the soft plugs on the engine and the back of one head.
That's what I was to suggest, happened to my 94. As 410 wrote-pull it an refresh it.
