1994 ranger engine adapting problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1994 ranger engine adapting problem


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May 7, 2006
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1994 ranger
hello all. i hope someone can help me out. me and my friend are stuck. i blew the engine on my 1994 ford ranger. v6 3.0 auto transmision.
i got another engine out of a 1991 ford ranger v6 3.0. everythings matching up except the wiring harness. the 1991's battery is on the opposite side of the truck (a 1994 ranger is on the right and a 1991 ranger is on the left) also where the wirring connects on a 1994 there are 2 big plugs it all goes into. so its just put the plugs together and your done. well on the 1991 theres only one big plug and like 3 or 4 smaller plugs. also the number of wires in the little plugs on the 1991 dont match up to the number of wires on the big plug. how can i get this to work? keep in mind that i still need this truck to pass smog.
any help is appriciated.

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Welcome to this forum! There were some emissions parts that were added over the years, so there are more wires on the newer engine. You would have to swap the original harness, vehicle's harness, PCM, and possibly the harness on the engine, and remove the newer emissions parts. Basically, you are converting a 94 into a 91. Maybe you could just swap the 94 harness, connect it to the 91 engine, and leave out the extra emissions parts.

This Is Actually Making Sense. We Have Been Trying To Make A 91 Into A 94 Instead Of The Other Way Around. The 94 Harnes Is Preaty Much Shreded Though. We Have The Harness On The 91 Engine. If We Can Figure Out Where These Extra Plugs On The 91 Go (to The 94) And Just Leave The Rest Unplugged Will The Engine Lights Go Off Or Will They Stay On?

The vehicle's harnesses are different. That's why you can't find the extra plugs. Those plugs are made for more sensors, and controls. Either make a complete 91-94, or 94-91, but keep it all the same (including the PCM).

The extra plugs on the 94 harness are for more sensors. Just as an experiment, plug whatever you could into the 91 engine, and swap the PCM. If it doesn't show a CEL, and works fine, then that is all you would have to do.
