1995 eddie bauer radio | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1995 eddie bauer radio


New Member
April 20, 2006
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City, State
oakharbor washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 explorer
My radio just quit working in my 1995 eddie bauer... the cd changer works but the radio don't.. i don't have a book so i don't know what fuse is for the radio if anybody has had this problem please help..i have also checked all fuses that i can find( the ones under the hood and the ones on the dashboard next to the drivers side door..) is there any other places that there is a fuse box that i have missed..i have also pulled out the cd/cass, player and check it for a fuse on the back like most non-stock cd players have and didn't see any.. if anybody has any advice for me please let me know.. p.s the back lighting on the cd player works..
