1998 4.0 sohc 156,000 5R55E Broken Reverse Band | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1998 4.0 sohc 156,000 5R55E Broken Reverse Band


Well-Known Member
August 28, 2013
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City, State
Palm beach gardens
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 explorer xlt 4.0 soh
Is there a best path to go down for this.

Absolutely no forward shift flares or other problems with the transmission but it has been babied, never towed anything..

Minor tension rattle on start up - might dictate how I approach the broken reverse band.

Rock auto remanufactured is 15XX $
Jasper is 2686 - wow

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I'd get a local shop to rebuild it IF you decide to keep it. Should be in the 1,500 range, include all labor, and come with a warranty. Unless the body is pristine, and you are willing to do the timing chains in the future, I'd find something else. Maybe find a very reputable transmission shop that has the ability to replace the rear cassettes when the transmission is out.

As someone who has recently gone through a SOHC with bad timing chain guides, I can say it is a royal PITA. That engine is a huge failure, even by Ford standards. Ford actually recommends replacing the tensioners every 70k miles. I guess the idea is that the tensioners quit working, and the resulting slap is what ruins the guides. I would give it a shot, they are not terrible to replace, probably more so in the engine bay. I have only touched them with the engine on a stand. Once those guides are shot, it's game over. Then it's either repair or replace, either way the engine has to be pulled.

Thanks for the feedback. The chain slap is only present at idle conditions for a brief period.

The body is perfect except it needs paint on the hood and roof (ROMd at $600)

I've decided to invest in the transmission and hope for the best on the chains. I have the ability to do the chains but removal of the engine is a challenge. I currently have a valve for a accusump but I am looking for a used 1 qt accusump. Maybe I will break down and get a new one.

I am thinking I will re-do a 00M12 and at the same time remove the valve covers to inspect the back chain guide. The guidance on this web site is impeccable.

I'm still convinced this is a 225 k truck if I can nurse the chains and tensioners.

Do not hope for the best with the chains. Technically, the engine is not an interference engine, yet all kinds of problems can happen. I spent a week just digging out little plastic bits out of every space in the engine. If you can't pull the engine, you can't fix the timing chains. It's a miracle the one I worked on wasn't ruined. There are all kinds of metal bits as well, including spring steel for the guides. Those metal strips chewed up the counter balancer pretty good. If one had found its way to the crank, it would be game over. I'm not kidding, this engine is a ticking time bomb. If the chains rattle at all, damage is already been done. That engine will not last a year if it rattles. The tensioners might seem a bit expensive, but if it gives it a few more good years, it's worth it.

I'm pretty sure the SOHC IS an interference engine.
