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1ATony question thread


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty

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Thanks Turdle.

We're excited in becoming an active sponsor for the forum. If there are any questions about a particular product that we carry,our sales staff would be more than happy to answer any questions.

If you would like to contact me on the board, feel free to shoot me a PM.

Best Regards,


I am about to order a front wheel hub for my 05 Ex and was wondering if I should just order directly from your website or is there a different way for us forum folk?



I am about to order a front wheel hub for my 05 Ex and was wondering if I should just order directly from your website or is there a different way for us forum folk?


HI Brad,

You can order through the site of if you would like to call me here in the office my direct line is 866-403-3393


Thanks Tony!! I will order it through the website.

No worries Brad- A1 is first class, and their service and parts are great! :thumbsup:

Tony, I'm in need of a fuel filler neck for my '01 4-door Explorer. I checked the website, but you're currently out of stock. Do you have any idea when you'll get any?

Joe, I was searching earlier today and ran across your how to thread for replacing the filler neck and that's why I'm here now. A1's price of $99.95 beats my local dealer's wholesale price by $75!

Tony, I'm in need of a fuel filler neck for my '01 4-door Explorer. I checked the website, but you're currently out of stock. Do you have any idea when you'll get any?

Joe, I was searching earlier today and ran across your how to thread for replacing the filler neck and that's why I'm here now. A1's price of $99.95 beats my local dealer's wholesale price by $75!


I'm suppose to have them in by the end of the week. Here's a link to them on our website.

Ford Explorer Fuel Filler Neck

Any updates on when they'll be available? I've been watching all week, but they're still out of stock.

I don't mean to be bothersome, but I was just wondering if you could give a status update again on the filler necks. I've only been able to find a couple of online sources for the filler necks, but they seem to be out of stock everywhere.

I don't mean to be bothersome, but I was just wondering if you could give a status update again on the filler necks. I've only been able to find a couple of online sources for the filler necks, but they seem to be out of stock everywhere.

As of right now I have an ETA of August 12th.

on vacation

If anyone has any questions about any of our products please call our main sales line 888-844-3393 and one of our sales reps can help you out.

I'll be on vacation August 2-6th



Awesome vids- glad you guys are making them... :thumbsup:

Who is the lucky owner of that Ex with all of the new parts?

1A Tony


Thanks for the help on the phone today.
I always appreciate the support.

PM to follow with the results.

Peace Out,
Bob Wiersema

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Do you have a way to cross reference brake lines for a modified application?

I need a set of stock type front lines (to calipers) for a 95 EX (4wd) that are aprox 6" longer in length. I have read that the F-250/350 SD will work, but I cant find the proper Drivers side connections on any of them. If your bored one day and feel like researching for me, I will be greatly thankful, and purchase what you find.

Thanks in advance. :)
