2000 explorer 5.0 towing capacity | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2000 explorer 5.0 towing capacity

Lil Joe

August 5, 2011
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City, State
southwest Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 explorer
I was going to put a class 3 hitch on my 2000 Explorer, 5.0. auto overdrive, all wheel drive and what is the towing capacity of a stock explorer?

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Do you have an owners manual? I don't recall the information but all of it is in there. Could probably find a manual online. But some someone will chime in eventually.

Look in the forums, there is one for explorer specifications and it list towing specs/limits

There is nothing about trailer brakes in that table (or in my owner's manual for that matter), but I wouldn't feel safe towing anything over 3000 lbs, unless it has its own brakes.
