2001 Explorer Sport Lift Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2001 Explorer Sport Lift Question

April 29, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Mt. Pleasant, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport
I would like to lift my 2001 Explorer Sport and I know you can do it buy modifying the Performance Accessories Ranger kit but they also make a body lift kit for a 2001 Ford Explorer Sport Trac. The only big difference that I know of is that the Sport Trac has a bed and the Sport doesn't so I was wondering if this kit would fit the Sport because I really didnt want to have to go into all the extra work that the Ranger Kit would require. Heres the link for the Sport Trac Kit. http://www.performanceaccessories.com/catalog/blk.html Its Part Number 70023 All help is appreciated. Thanks

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I deleted your other post, please do not double post. If you want to bring a thread back to the top, just post a few words in it, "bumping" it.

I do appologize for posting twice but I would really appreciate it if someone could help me with my question. Thanks


if someone could please help me with my question i would really appreciate it. thanks

don't know about the sport trac kit.. but the ranger one isn't bad to install.

Hey Black Magic. Read the very first part of the thread. It explains what I want to do. Basically I want to know if the 2001 Sport Trac kit will work on my 2001 Sport.

Yea, the Sport Trac kit will work for your sport. Actually it should have a couple of body spacers from the bed using four and your X using only two in the back.

You can get about a 2-3" lift with just a Torsion Twist and Shackles for like $40 plus Alingment.

I would think you would have better luck using the Sport Trac Body Lift kit.
For sure the front bumper bracket would be correct. But, I don't know about the rear bumper brackets.
The Ranger BL kit bumper brackets would probably be all wrong.
The cab of the Sport Trac has 6 body mounts. It was a real workout to get them off and back on. Two body mounts at the front of the engine compartment and of course 4 body mounts for the bed.

*** Note *** If you have an A/C line that runs underneath the harmonic balancer, make sure it has enough clearance after installation of the body lift kit. It's something they don't warn you about in the kit.

Sounds good to me. The only problem I have is that the Off Roading place that does lifts etc where I live is a real pain to deal with. They told me no I don't know how many times that the Ranger kit wouldnt work whether or not it was modified and I sat right there and showed them examples so who knows maybe they will agree with me on this one. I live in Charleston South Carolina so if anyone happens to know of any other places where I could get the lift done like around Charleston or kinda close I would greatly appreciate it. Also would I be able to install it my self and if so can you give a few details on what I would have to do and would there be any welding required. All help is appreciated. Thanks

Hey Magic.....can you lower it the same with twist and alignment or how does the work? I want to lower my 02xsport.:D

no welding needed.
all can be done with basic hand tools (ratchets and wrenches) and a jack and stands.

yes you can lower with the twist also. turn the other way. not sure how far. i don't know much about lowering.

You can safely lower the front around 1.5-2" with the TT.

Is there anyone else out there that could tell me if the Performance Accessories Sport Trac Kit will fit my 2001 Ford Explorer. I've heard it will fit fine and I'll have a few pieces left over but I wanted some other peoples input as well. Also how much would the labor be to install this kit. Heres the link for the Sport Trac Kit. http://www.performanceaccessories.com/catalog/blk.html Its Part Number 70023 All help is appreciated. Thanks

Hey ExplorerSport01--Did anyone help you out with the BL for your 01'? I'm looking to do the same thing on my 01'X with the 70023 lift kit.

i have the same question as explorer sport 01. much help would be needed

He didn't answer my question but we went ahead and purchased anyway. Needed help of mechanic for lift work and body bolts. had a few extra parts but overall went well. Started a 9am and finished up by lunch.
also added TT in front and Warrior shackles in rear. See finished product at:

