2003 Sport 2dr Owners - Baby Seat Questions... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 Sport 2dr Owners - Baby Seat Questions...


Elite Explorer
June 21, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
South Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer Sport 4x2
Hey guys,

I have a 2002 Ford Explorer Sport 2dr. As I understand it, I believe the federal government mandated all cars from 2003 and newer be equipped with child safety latches in the base of the rear seats.

I was wondering if this was the case with the 2003 Ford Explorer Sports. And... if that IS the case, do the 2001-2003 seats easily interchange?

My daughter is starting to get old enough to the point where I'll be able to put here in my car from time to time (rather than in the wife's Jeep Liberty) and I'd like to use the factory attachment tabs rather than the seat belt.

Any idea?

Oh, I know my Explorer is a 2002 and this is a 1995-2001 message board. I get this all the time from the mods... but if you read in the description of this forum, it says: " '02+ Sports and Sport Trac." So please don't move.


