Solved - 2013 Explorer won't start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved 2013 Explorer won't start

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April 10, 2022
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2013 explorer base
2013 Explorer won't start the dash lights come on but when I try to start it the dash lights go off and the does nothing. I tried to jumpstart it but would not start.

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do you hear the starter crank over?

No the starter doesn't do everything.

2013 Explorer won't start the dash lights come on but when I try to start it the dash lights go off and the does nothing. I tried to jumpstart it but would not start.
Do your headlights come on at full brightness? I wonder if they also will go OFF when you try to start the vehicle with them switched ON?
Perhaps the battery is so low that a jump start may not work. Have you checked the battery itself?


Check battery connections and the battery.
If the connections are loose, it can cause all sorts of odd issues.

Also, when my battery died a few years back, it just stopped working one day. Wouldn't even take a jump.
Could be a failed battery.

Checked the battery cables when I tried to jumpstart it. The terminals are clean and the battery looks fairly new.

Just took the battery out and had it checked at a auto parts store it was good the battery is less than one year old. I'm having it towed to shop.

I got my X back it was the ignition switch $210 installed I thought it was going to be the starter I think I got off pretty cheap.

Thanks for reporting back Doug. :thumbsup:

