2013 Limited Gremlins | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Limited Gremlins


December 6, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Elm Grove, Wisconsin
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Explorer Limited
My 2013 Limited has had a myriad of problems over the years, so let me just make it quick with what has been repaired or replaced thus far.

In 2020, I had to replace the PTU twice due to the first one leaking and the second one cracked on the bottom of the unit. I also had the primary belt and the tensioner assembly replaced as it was bad. Replaced the rear A/C aux lines because they were leaking. Replaced front brake pads and rotors as they were worn when I bought the vehicle. Had to replace a defective driver side caliper and wound up doing pads and rotors back there as well, and I did a passenger side caliper to make things even with my OCD. I also had the dealership replace the mass air flow sensor because it was dirty and they refused to clean the internals.

In 2021, I had to replace the driver side front door handle assembly because the door opened up while driving on the freeway and it wouldn't latch. I also had to replace the battery because it was reading 9.2 volts with the engine off and 13.1 volts with the engine on. I had to replace my second mass air flow sensor as the previous one from the dealership was defective. I installed a brand new set Firestone Destination A/T tires, which I have installed on all of my previous vehicles, except the dealership refused to install these ones and installed a set of Firestone LE3 tires, which are decent tires. When I had the tires installed, the dealership told me that my driver side rear wheel bearing was bad and that they needed to replace it, I am 100% sure they damaged it getting my wheels off.

In 2022, I had the vehicle in for toe link recall or whatever and when I got the vehicle back from the dealership, my rear camera was no longer working. I enquired about this and was told that the dealership noted that the camera didn't work upon delivery of the vehicle. Except I know it did because the parking spot I put the vehicle in required a rear camera to fit perfectly within the spot. Anyway, dealership wanted $1200 to replace the camera and I had my regular mechanic do it for $150 parts and labor. I had to replace my PTU again as this one was whining and making lots of noise. In late 2022, I started parking in my garage and noticed that my vehicle was leaving a gallon of fuel on the floor every time I parked. I took the car in to the dealership and they diagnosed it as a leaking fuel pump outlet tube which seems strange, but I told them to go ahead and replace it and anything else they noticed. I got a call the next day saying they noticed my water pump was leaking and that my coolant level was down 2 gallons. I went in to the dealership and they showed me the coolant leak so I said go ahead, replace it and do the timing as long as it is apart. The service tech was confused as to why I wanted the timing done, but soon realized why when the mechanic told him. So I had the fuel pump and seal and tubes replaced, as well as the water pump, and all of the timing parts.

I love driving in the snow, and I usually use sand mode in manual shift mode to slide about and have fun. Just a couple of days ago, we got about 9 inches of snow and I wanted to drive carefully so I put the car in snow mode and it was working fine when all of a sudden, there was a loss of traction and the chime went off and stated something about wheel slip detected, switching to normal driving mode. Why would it do that when it was slipping, shouldn't it have applied the brake to that wheel or something. Also, what would cause the engine to randomly shut down after spirited driving and say low oil pressure. The low oil pressure issue is intermittent but usually happens after reverse to drive very quickly. Any help would be appreciated, I love this car and take it to the drag strip and the track for fun during the summer. Thanks everyone.

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I forgot to mention that in 2021 I had the coils and plugs replaced as well due to a failed coil and plug from over-idling the car when our power went out and I used my car to run lights in our house for 2 days

How many miles are on your Ex?

I am guessing that when the coolant was down "2 gallons" it probably had not been checked for quite a while It is hard to believe that the water pump leaked that amount without destroying the engine. A leaking water pump can dump coolant into the engine as well as out of the weep hole. I just hope that what you are experiencing now, isn't due to that water pump issue.


Sorry for the late response everyone. I had to get disc surgery in my back and I am still recovering. So it turns out that both of the parts that cost me almost five grand in repairs are in court now for recalls possibly or something like that. The car is actually running better than ever and now it has just over 153,000 miles on it. The driver side rear brake is dragging again so I will have to tear it apart and clean the corrosion out of it again. I am still getting only 13.2 mpg city which is fine for me. The top of the steering wheel is falling apart and the armrest middle console has a hole that looks like an animal ate it.

I want to keep the car running until at least 200k. My regular (trusted) mechanic says my traction issues might be due to a failing ABS module or a bad wheel speed sensor, but it isn't storing any codes anywhere. I swerved to avoid hitting a car with tinted windows the other day who was just casually coming into my lane, wound up nailing a deep pothole, broke both sway link pins front AND back, and damaged one of the front ball joints.

Also, the dealership reached out to me with an offer that I would get a $50 prepaid card if I came in for a Power Steering Flush service. I took the offer into the dealership and told the service tech I don't have power steering and he told me I don't know anything about cars, and well, after some yelling, I am no longer allowed at that dealership because apparently people get their feelings hurt when you call them stupid.

Life sucks, but we keep on living it. Oh, and forgot to mention. No longer employed so repairs will have to wait a few months or longer. Previous employer forced me to quit by putting me on shifts that conflicted with my doctor appointments and then they told me they wouldn't fire me, they would tell the state that I no called. So I got that fun going for me. I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone who reads my long posts and comments to the end. I am a 32 year old with Autism and Spinal Stenosis and I try to make every day better than the last.
