2016 Ford Explorer Key Fob battery confusion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2016 Ford Explorer Key Fob battery confusion

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December 7, 2021
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2016 Ford Explorer XLT
I read this: different key fob batteries but still have questions.

I saw a Youtube video for a 2016 Ford Explorer key fob

and so bought two CR 2025 batteries that won't fit. (attachment)

Looking around it seems some people have to use CR2032. Is that what I need?

Honestly, the owner's manual seems confusing, so I'm not sure what I need. As it is, I think I need two CR2032 batteries. I have two key fobs so a 4-pack should do it. Something like this--> Amazon product ASIN B009108SGS Is this right?

Also, not being the handiest person (I already broke off one little plastic part), any suggestions on how to get the batteries out without damaging anything? I have a really thin screwdriver. Just press in an area not near the mechanism on the top and pop it out? Other suggestions?



This is in the owner's manual, page 50-51. Regular remote fob, 1 x CR2032. Intelligent Access remote fob, 2 x CR2025

Page 51 shows where to pry with a screwdriver to release the battery for the CR2032 fob.

Your picture looks more like the Intelligent Access fob that uses 2 x CR2025, what makes you state that they don't fit? It looks like you have two in it, in the picture? I assume you realize that beneath the top battery, is a plastic insulator piece, that is white in your picture. You have to remove that, to get to the bottom battery, and then insert first new battery, put insulator piece back, then 2nd battery.

It is a bit of an odd arrangement for batteries, to have the positive sides facing each other but then an insulator in between. This is also shown in the manual.
