2017 Ford Explorer Sport noise | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2017 Ford Explorer Sport noise


New Member
February 14, 2024
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Waukesha, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015, Explorer, XLT
I have a 2017 Ford Explorer Sport. Each time I turn on the seat heater, I get a buzzing noise in my rear passenger speakers. Any thoughts as to the cause?

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Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
It could be a breakdown of an electrical component designed to suppress such interference. Strange it only affects the rear speakers.
Did this just start happening?


I found a topic where someone is having a similar issue on a Mustang, don't know if this will help:


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
It could be a breakdown of an electrical component designed to suppress such interference. Strange it only affects the rear speakers.
Did this just start happening?

I just bought the car. As it turns out, it only happens when I run the seat heaters. When I turn them off, the noise stops.

I just bought the car. As it turns out, it only happens when I run the seat heaters. When I turn them off, the noise stops.
Did you get any sort of warranty with the sale? The reason the noise stops when the seats are turned OFF is because there is no longer any interference to control. It could be an electrical component breakdown designed to stop such interference. I also found the same article J_C did.
I still find it strange that only the rear speakers are affected unless that is where the problem is.

