2019 FPIU 3.5l Ecoboost | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2019 FPIU 3.5l Ecoboost


December 10, 2022
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2019 FPIU
Hi all,

I am back again with some more questions. I am in the middle of purchasing a 2019 FPIU 3.5l Ecoboost. Finally found a FPIU in reasonable enough shape externally and internally.

My first step is to look into replacing the water pump on it because I could not find a record of it being done on this one from the car fax. The current Mileage is 95k. So as a peace of mind maintenance item I am going to get that done. Is there anything else that I should do while I have the timing cover off doing the waterpump? I am big on preventive maintenance.

My second question is, the backup camera appears on the center 4in display. I know that it can be put up into the rear view mirror. If it did not come with it from the factory what parts would I likely need to get it up their? I know its gonna involve programming but what ford part numbers will I need?

Thanks in advance.

Small edit for more info.

I do plan on doing alot of other general items new tires and brakes. Im probably gonna flush and replace every fluid in it. I buy almost exclusively used cars and these are just normal things I do when I take possession of them.

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It would be a good idea to change the timing chain and associated parts as well. Not sure about flushing the transmission with that mileage on it. A flush can sometimes cause more issues than repeating a simple drain and fill. Not familiar with changing the rearview mirror display.
Good luck.


For those going down the path of trying to get their cameras from the center 4in display to the rear view mirror I believe this thread I found digging through the forums may be of some use. I will keep updated as I attempt to get mine moved. It outlines a few things such as the mirror part number and some basic wiring info.


Don't these water pumps usually signify (by design) the need for replacement by leaking? Seems like a big job to take on if it's not necessarily needed. As opposed to bad tires/brakes/etc. which are right there to be inspected.

@throgmo My experience up until now has mainly been buying used cars from family members who kept good records of what maintenance they have done to their vehicles. This one I don't have anything on. The carfax only listed two service events at Ford Dealers but not what was done. From my research on the forums its not always readily apparent that water pump is about to fail. But it is tends to happen around the 100k mark if not earlier. My 2019 is sitting at 95k miles right now. I'd rather as a piece of mind get it replaced. Along with doing anything else I can while the timing cover is off.

If the water pump isn't leaking and you don't have timing codes or cold start rattle I would not do the water pump preemptively. It could last 5 years or even 10 years from now. I did mine at 140k because the timing chain stretched, tensioner wore out, and jumped a tooth. Had the cold start rattle for about a year before the codes came on and it got real bad. Water pump was fine but I replaced it anyways while I was in there. I did water pump, oil pump, timing chain, tensioners, guides, gears, solenoids, and phasers. Also put on a new belt and tensioner too because why not.

Just had my PTU replaced on this car. Took it in for 100k mile service and the Ford Dealer called back and told me that it was leaking bad and they advised I replace it. They told me they could install a "brand new" one for $2700. When I took my loan for the vehicle my CU offered an extended warranty that covered all non wear items (Engine, Transmission, and Drive Line) contacted the warranty company and they covered all $2700 of it. Under normal circumstances I advise against car extended warranties but I took a chance knowing this car might have demons at some point. I guess I was right.

Just had my PTU replaced on this car. Took it in for 100k mile service and the Ford Dealer called back and told me that it was leaking bad and they advised I replace it. They told me they could install a "brand new" one for $2700. When I took my loan for the vehicle my CU offered an extended warranty that covered all non wear items (Engine, Transmission, and Drive Line) contacted the warranty company and they covered all $2700 of it. Under normal circumstances I advise against car extended warranties but I took a chance knowing this car might have demons at some point. I guess I was right.
Good choice this time... I've had good luck with extended warranties as well, but as you said, generally I wouldn't recommend.
