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How to: 2nd gen console removal

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June 16, 2003
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Center console removal

Tools required
1/4" ratchet
extensions (optional but very helpful)
8mm socket
10mm socket
magnetic pickup
wood block
hand sledge (or big hammer)

Step 1
Remove tissue box-coin holder

Step 2
remove the cubbyhole compartment by pulling up and toward you


Step 3
remove cup holder piece


Step 4
Remove 2-8mm bolts
loosen the 10mm connector retaining bolt.
Disconnect this connector and route up under the heater controls to move it out of the way temporarily.


Step 5
Remove 2-8mm bolts in the console. These are threaded into the transmission hump


just a heads up in the 95,96 there is a little light in the cup-holder section of the console that you will need to release to get it out(its just a little tab).

Step 6
use a wood block against the metal bracket, and hit hard with a hammer toward rear until the console moves back about 2 inches. Note how the rear legs ( or feet ) go under metal tabs in the hump for re assembly


To help a stubborn one get out-
If you look real close--at the bottom edge of the console toward the rear is a small cut out--raised edges area. You can get a screwdriver up in there and press upwards on the release tabs, then push the console back toward rear of truck.

# View attachment 195123

Installation is reverse of removal.

For a more in depth procedure--go here for seat and interior panel removal. This will help you deal with the carpet without cutting it.

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Now that it's out-look how easy it is to get under the access panel.

This is the only way I can get to my 02 sensor connectors

This carpet is cut in a U
I recommend cutting a large "I" shaped slit, and folding it back to expose the access panel.

The console will hold the carpet in place once it is re installed


  • bank 1 rear 02 sensor location.jpg
    bank 1 rear 02 sensor location.jpg
    56.2 KB · Views: 57,522

Nice! Thanks for doing this, it took me forever to remove mine the first time, I took apart so much stuff before I figured it out. I had pretty good luck just pulling mine backwards from the back seat, but if a person was to have a bad back, that wouldn't work.

Nice write up! How long did it take to remove the console, and reinstall it?

Honestly it's very easy. 5 minutes.

The first time was more like Evan described, and took about an afternoon before I knew I was messing up.

This is great information. Ford says slide the console rearward to release. Yea...right. What they don't say is what you're being told here...whack that sucker!! I would have NEVER done it like this if I hadn't been shown the light. Thanks!

Glad I know now, I was at a junkyard a could weeks ago, trying to pull a full-length for the 96 explorer got the bolts out and couldn't figure out why the heck there was no-go after I removed the bolts. :thumbsup: now maybe I can go try again. :D Nice write up, glad you did it.

just a heads up in the 95,96 there is a little light in the cup-holder section of the console that you will need to release to get it out(its just a little tab).

and if your really awesome you can build ur own custom one that holds 2 large powerade bottles, a 6 inch monitor, large ps2 and a power inverter. if i get the time ill take pics but its not completely done. i still need to fiberglass, sand and paint then it should be done. its completely built tho. pretty nice to have

Nice job Jon. This will come in handy so people don't do what I did and take apart the entire console when they only need to remove 4 bolts. :D Not sure how I missed this until now.

Great job. Came out just as posted here. Dealer wanted $55 to install new seat belt buckle (which was $70). Took all of 30 minutes with help from this post. Thanx.


Hit me hard is right on. It's tough, because there is just barely enough room to get a good swing in on a hammer. It took me about a half dozen hits to get it out. Nice write up, thanks.

how do i get the connector disconnected?

If referring to the one up at the front, under the dash, then you unscrew the bolt in the middle of it, and pull it out.

im hitting it with the hammer and nothing is seems stuck...

Use a block of wood on the bracket and HIT HARD with a hammer or mallet. Regular hammer will not do--you need some mass, like a hand sledge--

thanks alot man, ill go try that

I've gotten in the back seat, grabbed a hold real low, and pulled straight back until it gave way. Jon's method is probably a lot better, but worth a shot.

What about the tuning unit and Heat vent on the back of my center console? I have a 2000 ford explorer XLT

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Yea mine took me like 3 hours to take out when I replaced my carpet I wish I would have read this first alot quicker.
