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How to: 2nd gen console removal

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Center console removal

Tools required
1/4" ratchet
extensions (optional but very helpful)
8mm socket
10mm socket
magnetic pickup
wood block
hand sledge (or big hammer)

Step 1
Remove tissue box-coin holder

Step 2
remove the cubbyhole compartment by pulling up and toward you


Step 3
remove cup holder piece


Step 4
Remove 2-8mm bolts
loosen the 10mm connector retaining bolt.
Disconnect this connector and route up under the heater controls to move it out of the way temporarily.


Step 5
Remove 2-8mm bolts in the console. These are threaded into the transmission hump


Step 6
use a wood block against the metal bracket, and hit hard with a hammer toward rear until the console moves back about 2 inches. Note how the rear legs ( or feet ) go under metal tabs in the hump for re assembly


To help a stubborn one get out-
If you look real close--at the bottom edge of the console toward the rear is a small cut out--raised edges area. You can get a screwdriver up in there and press upwards on the release tabs, then push the console back toward rear of truck.

# View attachment 195123

Installation is reverse of removal.

For a more in depth procedure--go here for seat and interior panel removal. This will help you deal with the carpet without cutting it.
Great explanation. Also on my '96 bank one sensor 1 I accessed the O2 sensor with the SHORTEST O2 socket in my kit (22 mm I think- bought from Advance Auto and only had three O2 sensor socket HOWEVER the longest one restricted me from being able to attach my ratcheting breaker bar). I removed the sensor from under the truck.
I DID take J's advice and removed the center console to access the electrical connection. There was no other way for me because a few years ago I zip-tied the connector high up on top of the bell housing to keep the wire off the exhaust pipe (because I didn't know what I was doing- I should have used the little Christmas tree sensor holder and plugged it back where it belonged. Soooooo if you have a second gen that has not been molested you probably could do the whole thing from under the truck. Good luck. Thank to J.

Center console removal

Tools required
1/4" ratchet
extensions (optional but very helpful)
8mm socket
10mm socket
magnetic pickup
wood block
hand sledge (or big hammer)

Step 1
Remove tissue box-coin holder

Step 2
remove the cubbyhole compartment by pulling up and toward you


Step 3
remove cup holder piece


Step 4
Remove 2-8mm bolts
loosen the 10mm connector retaining bolt.
Disconnect this connector and route up under the heater controls to move it out of the way temporarily.


Step 5
Remove 2-8mm bolts in the console. These are threaded into the transmission hump


Step 6
use a wood block against the metal bracket, and hit hard with a hammer toward rear until the console moves back about 2 inches. Note how the rear legs ( or feet ) go under metal tabs in the hump for re assembly


To help a stubborn one get out-
If you look real close--at the bottom edge of the console toward the rear is a small cut out--raised edges area. You can get a screwdriver up in there and press upwards on the release tabs, then push the console back toward rear of truck.

# View attachment 195123

Installation is reverse of removal.

For a more in depth procedure--go here for seat and interior panel removal. This will help you deal with the carpet without cutting it.
This right here is what i needed to know. I drive a 95 xlt and its got the full size center console and im trying to get the ventilation in the back seat to work again. I was wondering is there a second Blower motor in that thing? or is the whole ventilation powered by the motor under the hood and its just an acuator door thats keeping the back vents from blowing air?

This right here is what i needed to know. I drive a 95 xlt and its got the full size center console and im trying to get the ventilation in the back seat to work again. I was wondering is there a second Blower motor in that thing? or is the whole ventilation powered by the motor under the hood and its just an acuator door thats keeping the back vents from blowing air?
in my 98, theres another blower in the high series console. its somewhere around underneath the kleenex box, just a tad bit more forward afaik. its been a while 🤣

in my 98, theres another blower in the high series console. its somewhere around underneath the kleenex box, just a tad bit more forward afaik. its been a while 🤣
thanks for that info. ill take a look. i think mine is a high series console as it does have vents on the top part of the center console. and if its really around the area u said it is, i might not have to remove the whole thing entirely. to see what no air is coming through the vents.

thanks for that info. ill take a look. i think mine is a high series console as it does have vents on the top part of the center console. and if its really around the area u said it is, i might not have to remove the whole thing entirely. to see what no air is coming through the vents.
i feel like it was right around there, i feel like it was forward of the kleenex box. if not it was under it. my memory is kind of fuzzy on that 🤣

So it's just the 2 bolts up by the dash and the two in this picture to remove before whacking with the BFH? and the harness connector bolt...
console hump bolts.PNG

So it's just the 2 bolts up by the dash and the two in this picture to remove before whacking with the BFH? and the harness connector bolt...
View attachment 449690
Also, check the metal tabs at rear floor of console. 2 tabs lock into channels in the floor. A thin screwdriver will get in there to push them down. Have d to see them though.
It'll help unlock the console, less whacks with hammer

Can I get to them from the rear of the console? My seats are staying in for now. I'll read back through this in the a.m. Thanks.

Nice! Thanks for doing this, it took me forever to remove mine the first time, I took apart so much stuff before I figured it out. I had pretty good luck just pulling mine backwards from the back seat, but if a person was to have a bad back, that wouldn't work.
Sorry, but I've been a tech for many, MANY years. All makes. All models. Now, that certainly doesn't mean I know it all because I sure as heck don't. But, I know a lot. I'm not a greenhorn. I'm not stupid. AND I pay attention to details. For some reason in all these years I've never had a reason or a need to remove the center console until I recently picked one up for very cheap to use as a camping vehicle. I like it a lot. However, mice seems to have gotten into some areas and the center console under area is one and your guide does NOT work for me. I've done everything I know to do so I went to the interwebs, lol, and basically you have this same guide in several places. It does not work. Something is missing. Something is STILL holding it in place and knocking it with a hammer and wood block only resulted in busting off the ECM plastic retention bracket which you failed to note needs to be disconnected from both the main assembly AND the dash bracket.

Not sure why this was correct for everybody else and not mine, but I 100% assure you that I've done all you outlined, and all that is outlined in my Alldata, and it is fing wrong. It does not even budge. It "shivers", but it does not budge. So you are missing something, I don't know what, but something, from this guide. And people ought to know that. Mine is an XLT but I doubt that makes any difference. There clearly is something, and it might be very minor, but your guide, is NOT accurate for removal due to missing some parts that must be required since I've done them all and it does not move at fing all.

Did you read the part after " to get a stubborn one out" ?
Locking tabs , bottom rear of console slide forward into raised grooves in floor, locking it in place. You must slide them out , might help to pry downward on tab if you can with a slotted screwdriver, if you can see them

I stand by the accuracy of this how to. You are missing something

Did you read the part after " to get a stubborn one out" ?
Locking tabs , bottom rear of console slide forward into raised grooves in floor, locking it in place. You must slide them out , might help to pry downward on tab if you can with a slotted screwdriver, if you can see them

I stand by the accuracy of this how to. You are missing something
Yes, I read the whole thing including all of the comments, about five times. Nothing worked, until, related to the "to get a stubborn one out", I had to actually remove the rear climate control panel and the vertical duct behind it. Then I was able to get a small crowbar under that bottom bracket. Once I started lifting the entire unit it finally popped free. Worth noting is that on the front of the console where the wiring block is held in with that long ten mm I needed to wedge a couple of large flat screwdrivers in there to give it some rearward pressure then lifting in the back got it out. I beat the piss out of that metal bracket with a wood block and hammer, and that did nothing, at all. But, did get it out, so thanks.

I have removed 50+ of these consoles (at least!)

The stubborn ones do not stand a chance if

You sit in the back seat and grab the console
Wiggle it back and forth and yank it rearwards

They always release this way always
Wiggle it left and right a bit while pulling

No hammers!

I still can not get mine out. 96 xlt.
There is a metal bracket, under air controls. Do I have to remove all the screws on that? Right under the big electrical connector with the big brass screw. I have a picture but don't know how to post.
I spent 6 hours.

There are 4 gold 8mm screws to remove
2 by the wiring connector and 4t go vertically into the floor just under the cupholder section. The screws must be removed fully for the console to release

Then sit in the back seat put your arms around the console and wiggle it back and forth as you pull…’it works every time

There are 4 gold 8mm screws to remove
2 by the wiring connector and 4t go vertically into the floor just under the cupholder section. The screws must be removed fully for the console to release

Then sit in the back seat put your arms around the console and wiggle it back and forth as you pull…’it works every time
There is a blend door under there for the rear air, right???? That is what I am looking for.

There is a blend door under there for the rear air, right???? That is what I am looking for.
I still can not get mine out. 96 xlt.
There is a metal bracket, under air controls. Do I have to remove all the screws on that? Right under the big electrical connector with the big brass screw. I have a picture but don't know how to post.
I spent 6 hours.
Never did get it out but I was able to lift it up enough and support it while moving the rear air ducting out. Put in a new actuator and is knocking even louder now. What could it be?

Possibly the fan? Pull console and have a look
