2x4-4x4 Conversion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2x4-4x4 Conversion


New Member
May 20, 2003
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City, State
Houston, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Sport
I know there are other threads about this, but I don't want to do the conversion myself. So, I was wondering what the average cost would be to convert a manual 93 explorer sport to 4x4. Thanks and I appreciate any and all responses.

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personally, i would think you would have to do it yourself... i cant think of any shops that would do this type of thing.....

A 4x4 shop would probably do it, but you're probably looking @ some big bucks. it all depends on where you get the parts from and if theyre new or used. i'm gonna guess you're gonna be looking @ atleast 1k in labor.

Ok, well I think a shop's out of the question. How much would parts cost if I did it myself?

Find a totalled X. Buy it cheap. Use the parts. Sell the rest. Do the install yourself. That's what I did. I made all the money back I invested plus a little more.

know of any good places to look for a totalled X?

ebay. the junkyards.. total one of your buddy's. :D

Hmm, good ideas :D
Anyways, I'm also thinking if I do convert it to 4x4, I'd also wanna get a lift. Wondering what size lift and what kit is good and also what the cost of both a 4x4 conversion and a lift + wheels and tires, etc. would be around. Thanks and I hope that's not too much questioning. :)
