4 Low Help Please | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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July 6, 2017
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City, State
Alpine, Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996, Explorer XLT
Hello All!

I am in need of assistance from those more mechanically inclined than I. I am having trouble with 4 Low in my 96 Explorer XLT. 4 Auto will engage (it clicks, then you can hear it mechanically engage, and the light comes on), but when I move the switch over to 4 Low I can hear a solenoid-type click then nothing. The 4 Auto light disappears and nothing else happens.

My explorer has a manual transmission, so I am in neutral with the clutch depressed during these attmepted 4wd engagements.

If anyone would please point me in the direction of a thread (my search didn't find much) or offer some suggestions I would greatly appreciate it!


You might have a shift motor problem. You can remove that motor from the transfer case and observe whether it is moving when you turn the dash switch. IIRC somewhere I also read that with it off you can manually move the transfer case mechanism into 4 low with a screwdriver to see if it moves freely, and of course goes into 4 low.

Does stepping on the brake while tranny is in neutral make it happen? That's what the owner's manual says you should do on my '98 with auto.
