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5th Gen Explorer With LED Light Bar

Can I drill into my bumper cover to the bumper

I want to mount a curved led light bar on my 2015 Explorer bumper. Can I drill thru the bumper cover into the bumper to mount it with a lag bolt? I realize there is a little play between the cover and the bumper but I can use a small spacer to ensure the cover does not crush a bit. Thanks

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well I finished my little project with help of some examples here. I installed the drivebright DRL but did not like the black side of it against my standard silver grill so I plasti coated it, leaving the chrome strips intact and placed a black and chrome Ford logo in place of the blue stock one.. I also put in a 22" LED light bar on the bottom of the bumper. I had purchased a bull bar 2 years ago but could not bring myself to mount it, did not like the look for my truck. If I had done the LED lbar on the top of the bumper behind the grill I would have lost some of the output due to the narrow opening (I could have used a single row but had this in stock and it puts out more light). First picture, before is a stock off of the internet as I never think to take pics before or during.




No picture.

Mall Crawler to Trail Crawler

Hey all! I have a 2017 Ford Explorer Sport. So far I've put in a 3" lift, reflex shocks, 18" steel rims, and threw some nitto ridge grapplers on it. She handles great on the trails but I want to add some more cosmetic parts for lighting and styling. The first thing is the T-Rex that I included below. Does anyone have any insight into build quality if this? I also amd going to get some brackets to mount lights to the hood. The brackets slip right into the piece that holds the hood up so I do t have to drill anything.

T-Rex 6316641 Torch Series Black Main Grille w/LED Light Bar for 16-18 Explorer

Has anyone come across a way to install a light bar above the front windshield? I have yet to find 5th gen specific light bar brackets for any size light.

^^ Your thread was merged with this one on LED light bars. The only way I can see doing what you want is to attach it to a roof top carriors of some sort. Or you could possibly install one between the roof rails. The issue may be finding mounting brackets.


Mall Crawler to Trail Crawler

Hey all! I have a 2017 Ford Explorer Sport. So far I've put in a 3" lift, reflex shocks, 18" steel rims, and threw some nitto ridge grapplers on it. She handles great on the trails but I want to add some more cosmetic parts for lighting and styling. The first thing is the T-Rex that I included below. Does anyone have any insight into build quality if this? I also amd going to get some brackets to mount lights to the hood. The brackets slip right into the piece that holds the hood up so I do t have to drill anything.

T-Rex 6316641 Torch Series Black Main Grille w/LED Light Bar for 16-18 Explorer

So I have an 18 Sport and ordered this exact grille from T-Rex. It DOES NOT fit the 18-19 grilles, they are slightly different. I pulled my front clip off and everything and it did not match up. I called trex up and talked with the engineering team and they said that since they have not sold many for the 16-17 models that they were not going to make any for the 18-19’s but maybe for the 2020’s. I was bummed.
But to answer your question about build quality, it seems like it was well built. Heavy gauge mesh and welded almost all the way around to the frames. The light bar also seemed like it was sealed well from the elements and it would be able to hold up to a fare amount of abuse. I would recommend it.

Ken Block just pumped out a Explorer ST with a light bar on it.. By the looks of the bracket, its in the roof "gutter" or whatever thats called. I tried reaching out to rigid industries to see if they provided the bracket but, of course, no replies... Looks like a custom bracket. I think if you found a short bracket with a flat mounting position, you should be able to mount it into the "gutter" just above the windshield.. Ive been tooling around with this idea for a while.. Ended up attaching it to my roof basket.. Which is nice actually because I can remove the light-bar when I take the basket off.

I found this photo while looking for some brackets the other day. I wonder if we could do something similar on the x’s


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I bought a 12" light bar that I never installed, now I'm going to install a new 23" light bar behind my grill on the front bumper.

I would like to install the 12" bar in the back under the rear bumper. I have a factory tow package, anyone find somewhere to mount a light bar under the back?

well I finished my little project with help of some examples here. I installed the drivebright DRL but did not like the black side of it against my standard silver grill so I plasti coated it, leaving the chrome strips intact and placed a black and chrome Ford logo in place of the blue stock one.. I also put in a 22" LED light bar on the bottom of the bumper. I had purchased a bull bar 2 years ago but could not bring myself to mount it, did not like the look for my truck. If I had done the LED lbar on the top of the bumper behind the grill I would have lost some of the output due to the narrow opening (I could have used a single row but had this in stock and it puts out more light). First picture, before is a stock off of the internet as I never think to take pics before or during.



How did you install? That’s where I’m thinking of putting a light bar also. How is the light output with the bar being that low?

Best I can remember, I removed the front bumper clip. Drilled into the metal frame above where the light bar sits and mounted it. Putting back the bumper clip without the lower mesh grill, then cutting the grill open to fit around the light and pop it back in place. Wiring is just that, a relay to power, trigger off of the high beam wire and a switch in the passenger compartment to turn it off if needed. It comes one with the bright lights. Light is good for my use but of course, higher would be better.

Hey guys, new to the forum. Just picked up a 2015 Metallic Gray XLT for my wife. I got my Raptor in 2012 and have loved it so much, it seemed a good idea to stay in the Ford family.

Anyway, in the Raptor world, we install aftermarket lighting. In fact, we install A LOT!!! Suffice to say, I'm used to lighting up the night.

I dig the HIDs the Exploder has, but I feel it needs more. I'm thinking about installing my Rigid 20" LED bar behind the lower grill. I've done some searching but haven't seen anyone attempt this on a 5th gen truck. Am I just missing it or has someone attempted it.

Thanks in advance,


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I had a 14' Explorer before and I installed a 25" single row light bar in the opening between the the grille and the bumper. I bought a 17' Sport now and I'm going to attempt the same thing. I removed the front left wheel and removed the fender liner and ran the wires for the switch through there into the vehicle. Very limited where you can run wires. I drilled a hole a ran the wires through a grommet. Came out super clean. Looks factory!

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I had a 14' Explorer before and I installed a 25" single row light bar in the opening between the the grille and the bumper. I bought a 17' Sport now and I'm going to attempt the same thing. I removed the front left wheel and removed the fender liner and ran the wires for the switch through there into the vehicle. Very limited where you can run wires. I drilled a hole a ran the wires through a grommet. Came out super clean. Looks factory!

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Can we talk about your hood for a few minutes? That looks very sharp and I'm curious where this was acquired at.
