6th Gen Winter photo contest | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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6th Gen Winter photo contest

Post number 4 has been selected as best answered.


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Do you have any great shots of your 2020+ Explorer in winter conditions?

I will award a 1 year Elite Explorer membership, or an extension to an existing Elite membership for the photo I judge to be the best submission.

Submissions must be made by midnight February 29, 2024.

Join the Elite Explorers for $20 each year.
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Quite amazing that no one seems to want a free Elite subscription.

In Ohio, we haven't had much snow! Don't want to submit something lame😂

Any Alaska members? my buddy in Anchorage has gotten hammered!

My 2021 Platinum drifted over.
It's typically garaged but on this day the John Deere was in the garage for maintenance.


Well, it was winter, but sure didn't feel like it in S TX right on the US/Mex border.
Rainy & cool, but far from the great white north

Not much winter weather in Ohio this year, but there are skis on the roof! Does that count?


Congratulations @Pedro504 I set you up with a 1 year Elite Membership. I hope your Explorer has thawed out by now. BRRR!!!

Congratulations @Pedro504 I set you up with a 1 year Elite Membership. I hope your Explorer has thawed out by now. BRRR!!!
Well the forecast indicates 70 tomorrow in Buffalo, NY so I can finally put away the snow shovels, window scrapers, snow brushes, gloves and winter jacket.
Thanks for awarding my 'snowed under' Explorer photo the Elite membership.

Well the forecast indicates 70 tomorrow in Buffalo, NY so I can finally put away the snow shovels, window scrapers, snow brushes, gloves and winter jacket.
Thanks for awarding my 'snowed under' Explorer photo the Elite membership.
Congratulations Pedro. Don't get too optimistic regarding the weather. ;)

