88 BII gets 99 Exploder heater leather seats | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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88 BII gets 99 Exploder heater leather seats

actual ground wire to the chasis. also the drivers side has the seat belt wires but your truck will already have those, you may just need to change out the plug from your old seat so dont throw it away!

TO make seat swaps easier you can always remove the seat from the frame (4 bolts) then set the frame in and wire it up, then remove and re-install seat cushions

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OKay dangit! I dont care about wiring these things in permanetly at the moment, I just need to get power to them to push the dang seat back all the way.
Does anyone know how to do this so I can fit in the truck?

I tried all the color wire thing last night and still couldnt get either seat to move.


have you flipped the seats over and looked at the wiring?

the power wires and the ground must all be hooked up, at least the power to the motors (not to heaters) So basically run a lead from a battery or cig lighter or whatever to the acc+ and the batt +, and also to the grey/yellow + wire, then ground it and you should be able to move the seats

Yes... I have flipped these things over so many times and wired it up, and nothing.
I stopped last night as things started flying, and the seats were next :)

Well, now I've got a set of these seats, that I'm going to put in my 97 Explorer. The factory seat connector has just a black, and a black/wht wire. I figure that I can connect those to the same color wires on the 1999 seat wiring harness, but that still leaves me with the gray/yellow, and blue/wht wires. Im guessing the blue/wht wire could go to the fuse box in an unused place, but where do i pull switched power from for the gray/yellow wire?

Edit: It looks as though there is an empty place in the fuse box on the side of the dash. Would it be okay to put a 30amp fuse in there and run power to the blue/wht wire? Or should this circuit use a Maxi fuse instead?

I installed these same seats many years ago in the 94, and never hooked up the heaters. I thought I seen this thread a long time ago, telling how to wire them up. Found it!

I'm looking for another set for a different rig now, and will hook the heaters up for that swap. Thanks for the write up 410!

You are welcome!!

wow look at this old thread. I am still running these seats and the heaters work great!!
I am getting ready to swap the passenger side to a manual track instead of power because I am putting in the rear fold and tumble seat from a Suzuki Samurai so I can use the BII to take my son and granddaughter to school during snow/mud conditions! Pretty psyched to NEED the BII for getting to school everyday! With the new rear bumper holding the spare I have room for three kids and the dog :)
