90 ranger with explorer 4.0 wiring trouble | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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90 ranger with explorer 4.0 wiring trouble


New Member
September 23, 2017
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Year, Model & Trim Level
90 Ranger XLT 4x4
So ill apologize right off because I'm sure there is a post for this but i have been searching for days trying to find the information i need to finish my project. Base knowledge needed here is that i bought a 90 ranger with blown engine and a broken motor mount and bad radiator for extremely cheap, the good is that it has the best ranger parts as far as rest of truck goes, XLT ex cab, Traction Lock rear axle, M5od but it had the 2.9. Well i bought a 94 explorer with 150k on 4.0 and did a swap. pulled entire dash all wiring ect and just replaced everything inside ranger but have run into an issue, On the drivers side engine bay there are 3 plugs that were left in on ranger (fuel pump ect) a 4pin and two 8pin connectors and they dont exactly match up, i need to know what pins i need to rearrange so i can plug them back in and have everything working. So far the only thing that isnt working is fuel pump, i hear the relay click, engine turns over and fires on Ether. Sorry also for text wall.
