'91 A/C reinstall ??? Can you look under your hood for me? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'91 A/C reinstall ??? Can you look under your hood for me?


November 15, 2017
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1991 Explorer XLT
Hey guys,
I'm working at reinstalling my A/C system after I ripped it all out about 6 years ago (long story), and I think I have all of the parts I need, BUT I can't find the A/C Compressor connector. Odds are I pushed it out of the way or zip-tied it to another connector to keep it from getting caught up some where, but I could have chucked it all together (oops). What I'm really hoping for is if someone could take a peak under their hood and tell me where the @#%*&$% that wire comes from so I can try to chase it through, or worst case figure out how to remake it somehow. I've been at it for about 2 hours just trying to find it and no luck so far.

ALSO if anyone has any A/C experience I have a couple of questions.
This X previously had A/C that got ripped out and now it's going back in:
Can I just put all the parts in it, plug and play, then drive it to an A/C place and have them charge it?
Should I leave the short belt on until I get there then put the new belt on so the compressor isn't even in the game?
Is this a terrible idea?
I know next to nothing about the A/C system, but currently live in a dessert and would kill for some cool air, is there something I should know before I do this?

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The compressor clutch will not engage without the power wire connected, or a charge in the system so no damage would occur if you were to install the A\C belt.

I will try to get a photo from my 93 Explorer in just a few minutes.



Thanks Rick,
That looks like a pretty big wire loom that heads to the passenger side firewall area, hard wired into the loom or are there connectors there. I have a couple of connectors hanging out on that left side, but no big wire loom so I'm wondering if I'm doomed.

Hey guys,
I'm working at reinstalling my A/C system after I ripped it all out about 6 years ago (long story), and I think I have all of the parts I need, BUT I can't find the A/C Compressor connector. Odds are I pushed it out of the way or zip-tied it to another connector to keep it from getting caught up some where, but I could have chucked it all together (oops). What I'm really hoping for is if someone could take a peak under their hood and tell me where the @#%*&$% that wire comes from so I can try to chase it through, or worst case figure out how to remake it somehow. I've been at it for about 2 hours just trying to find it and no luck so far.

ALSO if anyone has any A/C experience I have a couple of questions.
This X previously had A/C that got ripped out and now it's going back in:
Can I just put all the parts in it, plug and play, then drive it to an A/C place and have them charge it?
Should I leave the short belt on until I get there then put the new belt on so the compressor isn't even in the game?
Is this a terrible idea?
I know next to nothing about the A/C system, but currently live in a dessert and would kill for some cool air, is there something I should know before I do this?
Perfect timing I'm doing the same thing this week. It's pretty simple ac system. I ripped my lines out so I'm doing those as well as compressor condenser acumaltor orifice tube and expansion valve and cycle switch. Just make sure to check dates on your production years. Mine is 12 of 90 so I got parts before 0391. You will need r134 adapters for the r12 lines. Il write up my process after I'm done.

It's too hot to get under there and check right now. I'll try to take a look tomorrow morning when the garage falls to a comfortable 90deg ;)

Perfect timing I'm doing the same thing this week. It's pretty simple ac system. I ripped my lines out so I'm doing those as well as compressor condenser acumaltor orifice tube and expansion valve and cycle switch. Just make sure to check dates on your production years. Mine is 12 of 90 so I got parts before 0391. You will need r134 adapters for the r12 lines. Il write up my process after I'm done.
I actually just went through the AC system in my 92 and converted it to R134. Since I was pretty much replacing everything anyhow due to a trashed compressor I used parts meant for a 1994 Explorer the routing for the main manifolds is different it fit perfect and you'll already have the correct R134 fittings no adapters needed! On my 92 the plug for the compressor come out by the IAC.

Perfect timing I'm doing the same thing this week. It's pretty simple ac system. I ripped my lines out so I'm doing those as well as compressor condenser acumaltor orifice tube and expansion valve and cycle switch. Just make sure to check dates on your production years. Mine is 12 of 90 so I got parts before 0391. You will need r134 adapters for the r12 lines. Il write up my process after I'm done.
Since I'm replacing everything for the A/C system, how can I make sure I order all new compatible stuff? The only thing I bought that references years is the A/C Receiver Drier / Accumulator which is (From 03/1991), but nothing else says anything about a need for compatible years.

The harness turns into a Y. One leg goes to the receiver dryer the other goes to a connector that is buried just below...



Since I'm replacing everything for the A/C system, how can I make sure I order all new compatible stuff? The only thing I bought that references years is the A/C Receiver Drier / Accumulator which is (From 03/1991), but nothing else says anything about a need for compatible years.
Not much difference then what you just said. Will be finishing at my shop today. Main line is a pain to get behind the intake. New compressor clutch feels pretty stiff to spin so not sure if it's good or not lol.

Still trying to perform some automotive archeology for this project, and it looks like I'm missing the chunk out of my wiring loom that connects to the compressor and to the accumulator (the piece you're holding here). I have 3 connectors over on the passenger side that don't go to anything. Two in the picture below and other connector that's just to the drivers side of these two that is Pink, Round, and has 4 wires going to it.

I've looked at the wire colors and poured over the wiring diagram in my Haynes and can't come to a conclusion as to what they connect to.

I would love to just roll over to a junk yard and find an old X and puzzle over it and pull what I need but there isn't a single first gen in a yard in the whole state (I called every single one). So now I'm trying to call out to some and see if they'll pull what I need and mail it, but I want to make sure I get the right thing. Really wish I had the room to keep a parts rig near by.

explorer wire harness.jpg

. I have 3 connectors over on the passenger side that don't go to anything. Two in the picture below and other connector that's just to the drivers side of these two that is Pink, Round, and has 4 wires going to it
Connectors in your hand have nothing to do with A/C .

Only truly round connector on drivers side I think is the pressure switch connector for ac. Have a pic? An entire engine bay pic too? Slose up of any section your harness may have been cut too.
Plenty of first gens in the junk lots around here.

Electrical t ape isn't reliably effective for vacuum btw. If you can't get vacuum line to relplace it, at least try heatshrink.

Connectors in your hand have nothing to do with A/C .

Only truly round connector on drivers side I think is the pressure switch connector for ac. Have a pic? An entire engine bay pic too? Slose up of any section your harness may have been cut too.
Plenty of first gens in the junk lots around here.

Electrical t ape isn't reliably effective for vacuum btw. If you can't get vacuum line to relplace it, at least try heatshrink.
Here's an overall view of what I'm looking at. The red is the line that Rick showed in his pic, the one I seem to be missing. What I need to know is where the connections are for it as this vehicle had A/C prior and I know I didn't cut the loom out but must have just disconnected it. The dark green circle is the location of the connectors I posted above the light green is the pink round connector and the dark purple is the only other empty connector that I have.
If I can figure out what the Red plugs into I can be sure that when I call around to junk yards I get the right thing (hopefully).

Also, the electrical tape isn't a vacuum repair just part of my color coding system from when I pulled the engine a few years ago.

Explorer Engine Bay_LI.jpg

Explorer pink connector_LI.jpg

Darkk Green: Ignore (pcm interface, irrelevent here)
Light Green : I don't recognize this connector. If it is Purple, Tan/yellow, Black/Yellow, Black /Orange ( referencing chiltons as 91 is different from my '94) it is the connection for the missing harness segment. Is is possible this swapped from the ranger (read about this in older post)?
Purple: can't be positive of connector from the image . Is this a Manual? A Manual that was originally automatic?
Red line: I don't see in your images the harness segment to which I believe Rick referred.

From your images it looks like you are completely missing the harness segment that connects to the ac clutch, pressure switch & accumulator.

Darkk Green: Ignore (pcm interface, irrelevent here)
Light Green : I don't recognize this connector. If it is Purple, Tan/yellow, Black/Yellow, Black /Orange ( referencing chiltons as 91 is different from my '94) it is the connection for the missing harness segment. Is is possible this swapped from the ranger (read about this in older post)?
Purple: can't be positive of connector from the image . Is this a Manual? A Manual that was originally automatic?
Red line: I don't see in your images the harness segment to which I believe Rick referred.

From your images it looks like you are completely missing the harness segment that connects to the ac clutch, pressure switch & accumulator.
Looks like your right. One connector rubs to the WOT relay and the pressure switch. Make sure your new one is r134 as the cycling pressures are different. That harness then runs to the compressor and is a 2 wire.

Looks like your right. One connector rubs to the WOT relay and the pressure switch. Make sure your new one is r134 as the cycling pressures are different. That harness then runs to the compressor and is a 2 wire.
The orange 4 pin is for the cycling switch the relay is a 4 or 5 pin. The factory wiring for the ac clutch runs under the water neck and under the throttle body but starts at the cycle switch. I can send some pics later
