91 starting really noisy | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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91 starting really noisy


Elite Explorer
September 2, 2018
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2000 ford explorer 94 xlt
My 91 explorer whenever cold and after sitting starts really noisily she sounds like she's grinding stuff to get started but sometimes no problem she's also very temperamental when cold

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Just when you are running the starter, or after that? If it's just when you are running the starter, then as I recall, there is a gearset in the starter, could be an issue there. If it continues after the engine is running, then it could be something on the drivebelt, an idler or tensioner pulley would be a common issue there.

Just when you are running the starter, or after that? If it's just when you are running the starter, then as I recall, there is a gearset in the starter, could be an issue there. If it continues after the engine is running, then it could be something on the drivebelt, an idler or tensioner pulley would be a common issue there.
Nope just as I run the starter anyway I think that poor thing is stock to so it's done a lot

Probably time to replace it.

MrQ is right. Now, if the starter bushings are badly worn, that could impact the alignment with the flywheel gear, and you REALLY don't want to damage the flywheel gear. So, I'd replace the starter sooner than later.

... actually... there have been a few threads on here where they went to replace the starter and found bolts backed out. So maybe your first step should just be to get under there and inspect the bolts, make sure it's all tight and still lined up. Good Luck!

Inspect your battery cables as well, they are known to sometimes corrode and cause a severe voltage drop.
