95 explorer sport - Can I use a bigger battery than recommended? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95 explorer sport - Can I use a bigger battery than recommended?


June 5, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
inverness, fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 sport
Hi, this is probably a stupid question but i have a 95 explorer sport 4.0 4x4 manual and my battery took a dump on me. I just started driving a stick so probably going to stal it a bunch at first and also i have a nice stereo system in it that uses alot of power.. soooo I was wondering what will happen if i bought a battery that is bigger than it recommends.... like a red top optima battery from autozone. heres the some info i got from it off autozone website....

Dual terminal*** 800 cold cranking Amps (1000 cranking Amps) *** 100 reserve minutes. -> 3 year free replacement <- Red top. Requires 2 bottom snap in adapters. Check hood clearance.

would it mess up anything in the explorer? like electrical or the alternator???

i have a red top in my ex, fits well, go for it,,,
