95 Ranger 3.0 / 97 Ranger 4.0 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95 Ranger 3.0 / 97 Ranger 4.0


New Member
June 27, 2021
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City, State
Lakewood Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ford Ranger3.0 97Ford
I own two Power Rangers a 1995 3.0 long bed Ranger and a extended cab 1997 Ranger 4.0 and Both are great little trucks the 95 Ranger has over 300k and runs like a champ (no issues) The 97 Ranger is a real Beauty and has a little over 200k both have full synthetic oil in transmission and motor as well as the rears I plan on having them for a long time...

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Nice! Welcome!

Welcome from another Ranger owner.

Welcome to the forum, and post a few pictures for us, we love pics.

Yes pictures :)
