95 xlt wont start: no fuel??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95 xlt wont start: no fuel???


April 26, 2003
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93 xlt control trac
when i went out to start my truck today my hand slipped off the ignition key right as it was starting to turn over, so i regripped it and tried again. this time it just sits there cranking over but wont start. it sounds like its not getting any fuel or spark.

i cant hear my fuel pump kicking on when i turn on my truck, so this leads me to believe its the wiring or somethin for the pump(hopefully just a fuse), because i smelt some buning plastic when i opened my hood.

i would appreciate some direction, as i dont know where to start looking for a fault, or even know what fuse controls the fuel pump.

thanks in advance

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Start with the fuel pump relay. It's under the hood, in the power dist box on the fender near the battery. I'm not sure which one it is, but a good manual will tell you. Some of the relays are interchangeable, so you can do process by elimination.


yeah i found that relay, but i had no way of checking if it was any good. thanks

thats not the problem was the same when i switched'em around

I'd follow your nose. Seems like that burning smell is worth investigating.

ok well heres an update. ive taken off main fuel line to confirm that its a fuel pump issue and ive tested across my fuel pump cut-off switch using a sewing needle and checking for voltage... i had 14volts. so now it seems i get to drop my fuel tanks.

any special tools i need for this or any extra parts i need to buy to get a fuel tank back into place?(i.e. straps)

anyone know where the vip test connector is located at? my chiltons says nothing about its location

it turned out to be the fuel pump

it was great, we hardwired the fuel pump after we dropped the tank and it started working... the other guy was toying with the idea of putting it back in, but im like this isnt right, there was a problem, and now there isnt. so he starts putting power to the pump and taking it off as quickly as he can and every once in a while hed gets it to just not work at all, but if we kicked the tank hard enough it would start working and would work until we landed on that dead spot again..... what a pita. so we changd the pump and all is well with my world again(for now)

Great job.

Try checking the oil pressure switch. It keeps the fuel pump operating after the oil reach's 8 lbs of pressure. At least this is what I was told.

good to hear you figured it out. :chug: those fuel pump motors and starters are notorious for developing flat spots and working intermittitently
