96 Explorer Replacement Column Binding? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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96 Explorer Replacement Column Binding?

Martin Torres

March 24, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Woodland, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 4x4 Limited
96 Explorer limited. Previous owner drilled out the column to remove tumbler. I bought a good used complete column from an auto recycler. Had to change the shift cable bracket and steering wheel (wrong color). I also swapped the shift lever and rail (name?) that is mounted on top of the column and runs back to the cable bracket. Cover on the OD button was broken. Other than the cable bracket, everything was the same and pretty straightforward swap.

All together and everything works but it now binds a little. Not bad but just enough that the steering wheel does not return to center on its own. Column spun free prior to install so I must have caused this. Nothing tangled at the bottom of the steering shaft. Not a horrible issue, just annoying. I didn't take pics of the process, sorry. Here are before and after shots.... lol...
