'97 V8 with 4406 and problems... | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'97 V8 with 4406 and problems...

You do understand what I meant. If the GEM has to have one of the three known signals, then a new one has to have one of those(the AWD resistance) to work. The switch would have to be altered to work with a specific relay, which has a resistance, and a resistor in the switch to provide the A4WD signal. Not that big of a deal, if the signal will trigger a relay, we could find the resistor to make that happen.

I agree that first the voltages need to be known, which are the input and return wires. Then a working truck like Mickey's or yours needs to pull the switch plug to see what that does. I may be done in a couple of weeks, or who knows depending on weather and work. I'm sure that disconnecting the switch will do no harm. The test will need to be whether everything works with the 4406, including what the brown wire has for power during operation. I expect that the dash light and nonfunctional 4WD will scrap that idea. We will be looking at the switch modifications and external relay as we just discussed.

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I'd thought of the same thing, modify the Expedition circuit board with the Explorer resistors. I need to look closer to see if this will really work, but it seems feasible. I'd like to figure a way to engage that locking collar in 4Hi, but Aaron has a good point - any serious torque is going to take place in 4Low. I need to steal back the wife's ride to rotate those driveshafts 180 degrees to see if the wobble goes away & get her a new speedo gear, so I'll pop the bezel off & unplug the switch to see what happens.

Mickey make sure you use the math formula to calculate what gear you need, Matt at Courtest will help you get it, tell him I say hello!

I have a collection of gears also, when you figure up your color let me know I may have one you can have, I am in Littleton

Finally got the GPS to work (a new satelite made my old GPS not work? Weird.) and took the X out on the highway. 80MPH on the speedo = 70 on the GPS. 50 on the speedo = 43 on the GPS, and 40 on the speedo = 33.5 on the GPS. I tested each speed for a few miles to ensure accuracy. Used the "New Teeth = (Current Teeth x Speedo Reading)/Actual Speed" formula to figure out what I need. Problem with that is that the 80/70 ratio says I need three more teeth, but the 40/33.5 ratio says I need four more teeth. Matt ("Oh, yeah, Jamie with the big Bronco II, sure I know that guy!") recommended two teeth. Since my speedometer is so innacurate right now, I guess I get a few of the biggest ones & try them out, doesn't look too tough to swap 'em.

8 or 10mm (cant remember think its 10) wrench and flat head screwdriver is all you need to swap them out

Yeah Matt is a really nice guy

Buy both gears try the 2 teeth first, see where it gets you!

Two more pictures for this thread: the innards of a GEM from a '97 V8, and one from a 2000 F150. Red power input is the F150 GEM. I need a GEM from an Expedition, but the 50MPH winds today have scared me away from the yards. Anyhow, these are so similar that I can't imagine we can't isolate the auto 4WD functions from an Expedition GEM...


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wow geesh this is cool
but I am loving my manual 4406 right now!

we have a 97 V6 truck with the AWD t case, we are planning to swap to a 1354 ELECTRIC Shift, my plan is to swap the 97 GEM with a 2wd 97 GEM (plug and play) and use a 1986-1989 Bronco II or Ranger "touch drive 4x4" system
in those early years it was a stand alone 4x4 computer, so it should be fairly simple to integrate into the V6 truck....too bad you dont have this option, the 4x4 computer eventually became the GEM module and controls all kinds of BS!!

wind = SUCKS!

That is a great picture Mickey. I could do the same with the Expedition GEM I have if we need it. I would still like to consider the options, just altering the switch is a very good alternative.

About your speedometer, do you know if it has ever been removed or the cluster worked on before. The speedometer relies on air drag to spin the gears, so any change will alter the accuracy. If someone had touched the spinning ring or the matching part, the speed indicated would be too high. It can have a varying affect over different speeds, not linear. If it's possible that it has skin oil on it etc, you may also want to remove it and clean it with rubbing alcohol.

8 or 10mm (cant remember think its 10) wrench and flat head screwdriver is all you need to swap them out

Sure enough, a 10mm, flathead & about two minutes under the truck, the tan gear is gone & the red one is in. Now it is exactly 3 mph slow at all speeds. :scratch:

in those early years it was a stand alone 4x4 computer, so it should be fairly simple to integrate into the V6 truck....too bad you dont have this option, the 4x4 computer eventually became the GEM module and controls all kinds of BS!!

Funny, I actually took great pains to get that system _out_ of my '91! Dumb pushbutton wouldn't give my 4wd one day on ice, it was out that night...

wind = SUCKS!

Especially out at CAP. I've seen it whipping hoods around out there, now I just avoid the place when it's windy...

screw that! flying hood = ouch and they are not responsible LOL

it made short work of our hot tub cover and privacy blinds yesterday, dang news said "breezy" since when is "breezy" in CO 50 MPH

That is a great picture Mickey. I could do the same with the Expedition GEM I have if we need it. I would still like to consider the options, just altering the switch is a very good alternative.

Agreed, and the switch housing has to be modified first anyhow... I was thinking of what you & Aaron were debating, and it seems that if a circuit was added to the 4-auto, 4-hi and 4-low sections that would hold a circuit closed, that could be the brown wire switch in the On position. Then 2-hi opens that circuit, giving the brown wire disconnect.

About your speedometer, do you know if it has ever been removed or the cluster worked on before.

Wow. Wind drag, really? On the off chance you're not pulling my leg, yes I've removed the cluster to replace the lightbulbs, but I didn't crack the cluster open. I don't think I messed with any kind of spinning thingamabob, but I don't remember; I have a gauge cluster from an '01 sport on my workbench so I'll look at that thing & see if I can see what you're refering to.

The speedometer assembly is rather large in shaft driven older cars, and was easy to get at. The pre 95 Explorers are that way, but they are at least enclosed in a housing that you have to be after to get to. The 95+ units are run by a very small motor I recall, I don't remember what the parts look like between that odometer and the speedometer needle. I had to replace my 99 unit when the odometer would stop functioning occasionally. They are easy to get to, but maybe unlike older types you can't get fingers into the part connecting the odometer to the speedometer.

If the wiring in the GEM's looks too complicated to be digging into, electrically running the 2WD may be the next best choice.

So in the middle of this thread, the wife wrecked the '97, so after I fixed the bodywork I sold it and got her a Taurus X and abandoned the 4406 project. Don, did you ever get anywhere with the mod to the GEM, switch and all those goodies?

So in the middle of this thread, the wife wrecked the '97, so after I fixed the bodywork I sold it and got her a Taurus X and abandoned the 4406 project. Don, did you ever get anywhere with the mod to the GEM, switch and all those goodies?

Hello Mickey, I'm sorry to hear about your truck. I have not gotten much more done with mine, and nothing with the BW 4406 etc. I do have the 98 Expedition GEM module, but have yet to open it. I expect that it will look virtually the same as the F150 GEM you posted above. I think not much would be different, maybe just a few transistor values etc, to control the 4-position switch.

Feel free to help, or just kick me in the rear to begin working on it. I've been planning my engine more than anything else. Hopefully it will look something like this;


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Digging around in the garage, I've found a whole slew of parts that I'd collected for my 4406 project. If any of those would help, lemme know! All of my peices were specific to the '97 model year, I remember that being important, at least for the GEM. Still have that F150 module, the switch, everything - the truck went away before I ever had a chance to play with the stuff.

That's a mighty pretty engine, should look pretty nice bolted in your truck!

Thanks Mickey, I'll see what I may need of the BW4406 parts, I should have all but the wiring of a 4WD V6 truck(power wires etc unique to those).

The picture above is from the Corral, of some other member's Mustang. The concept is what matches my goal. There is a Kenne Bell blower there, custom mounted without the typical bracket, and custom plenums to lead to the intercooler(above the intake). That may be the only air/water IC'd Kenne Bell yet done. That should solve the power problem for these heavy trucks.

So, using the older "push button" 4wd setup would, in theory, work on the 5.0 AWD trucks, correct?
