'98 Explorer blows heater all the time. No A/C | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'98 Explorer blows heater all the time. No A/C


New Member
September 5, 2014
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1998 ford explorer xlt
So its a 98 ford explorer xlt. The heater is constantly on, coming lightly through the floor vents and defroster vents near the windshield. The blower speed knob works to change fan speed, but the knob to change temp does nothing and the directional knob to change vents does nothing. If it is set to off the fan is not moving but heat still comes through the vents. Need to figure this one out because im sweating all the time driving this car.

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sounds like a blend door issue. pretty common problem. the heater core will easily override the A/C if the blend door is open.

Okay thats what i was thinking, thank you. so if its the blend door, would the blend door actuator be the part to replace. Also would this be causing it to be stuck open which is why the cabin gets heat with no climate control turned on at all?

I had the same issue on a 97 ranger with the 4.0, turns out a piece of vacuum tubing was loose near the hoses that run into the firewall on the passenger side. Put a new fitting and reattached a wola i had ac...

Jacques can you read up on the blend door/actuator, that might be the problem. Do you have MaxAC?

at one point i had max a/c for ac only, and then it went out as well
