99 explorer wet headliner and carpet | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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99 explorer wet headliner and carpet

Lee's Automotive

Elite Explorer
September 23, 2020
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United States
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Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer XLT 4.0 SOHC
Hello everyone so today i noticed after some heavy rain i have a leak that is coming from the driver side of my headliner and leaking down on to my carpet i looked around and found some cracks in the seam sealer? i believe that's what its called is this an easy fix or am i looking at a big repair? also strange thing is i took it to a local car wash and sprayed all around these cracks and the windshield and i couldn't recreate it and i didn't see any water from the car wash which is very strange also these cracks are on the driver and passenger side of the roof







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I think you have found the culprit.

Quick solution would be to run a bead of silicone across the windshield gasket.

Proper solution would be to have the windshield removed, fix the rust (even if it's just surface) in the windshield channel, have windshield reinstalled. A windshield repair shop will say that they will do it properly... but I do have doubts as they don't do metal repair.

I will say this, it doesn't look bad, but on my SB Chevy I knew I had a rust issue and found this...



I think you have found the culprit.

Quick solution would be to run a bead of silicone across the windshield gasket.

Proper solution would be to have the windshield removed, fix the rust (even if it's just surface) in the windshield channel, have windshield reinstalled. A windshield repair shop will say that they will do it properly... but I do have doubts as they don't do metal repair.

I will say this, it doesn't look bad, but on my SB Chevy I knew I had a rust issue and found this...

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Oh man I definitely don't want that, would someone like safelite be able to fix it

That would be something to ask them. I would imagine it would be in the prep work. Do you have rust holes... I doubt it. It's a know problem on older chevys, they actually have a weep hole and it gets clogged and eventually rusts through. In your case, IMO, I see more of a surface rust situation. You do have some bubbling under the paint and paint loss. It is very minimal but its there. Given the truck is 24 yrs old and assuming its been in the south its whole life I don't think its bad. I'm not an expert mind you. The key thing is you have to investigate before it gets worse.

If it were me, I would go to a windshield shop take them out to look at the truck. If they say they can fix it, ask their process. Then ask if you can be there in the shop to see how bad it is. I would also go to a body shop and ask them, or course they'll have a complete roof paint if they give you an estimate.

I only say a body shop on the chance, slight as it is, that is worse than it looks. Plan for the worse and hope for the best.

Looks like it’s rusting under there enough to let water through

You should remove the windshield yourself and have a look see
May need to do some metal repair before taking it for new glass

Windshield guys are able to sand and scrape but not weld bondo and bodywork

I would remove windshield trim, windshield and headliner start chipping away at rust and flakes paint then you will get the big picture

My bronco ii leaked for a few years around windshield I ended up fixing my rusted flow boards as well…. My truck is an 88 so a little older but 99 was also 25 years ago now

That would be something to ask them. I would imagine it would be in the prep work. Do you have rust holes... I doubt it. It's a know problem on older chevys, they actually have a weep hole and it gets clogged and eventually rusts through. In your case, IMO, I see more of a surface rust situation. You do have some bubbling under the paint and paint loss. It is very minimal but its there. Given the truck is 24 yrs old and assuming its been in the south its whole life I don't think its bad. I'm not an expert mind you. The key thing is you have to investigate before it gets worse.

If it were me, I would go to a windshield shop take them out to look at the truck. If they say they can fix it, ask their process. Then ask if you can be there in the shop to see how bad it is. I would also go to a body shop and ask them, or course they'll have a complete roof paint if they give you an estimate.

I only say a body shop on the chance, slight as it is, that is worse than it looks. Plan for the worse and hope for the best.
No holes at all and it's been in the south it's whole life also i plan on taking it to a few places this week to see what they say i'm hopeful for an easy fix because mechanically it's perfect but i obviously can't have it leaking

Looks like it’s rusting under there enough to let water through

You should remove the windshield yourself and have a look see
May need to do some metal repair before taking it for new glass

Windshield guys are able to sand and scrape but not weld bondo and bodywork

I would remove windshield trim, windshield and headliner start chipping away at rust and flakes paint then you will get the big picture

My bronco ii leaked for a few years around windshield I ended up fixing my rusted flow boards as well…. My truck is an 88 so a little older but 99 was also 25 years ago now
I have no experience with body work so i would have to let a pro work on it also i took it to a car wash and pressure washed everything and everywhere and no leaks could it be the driver door seal?

Can be door seal for sure
From the looks of your pictures I bet it’s leaking behind the windshield

This is the best time to learn, the truck has a need! Try a garden hose and see if you can Re create the leaks

No moonroof on this truck right?

Check your cowl drains just to make sure they are not plugged with mudd or leaves

You can do it! Make a nice how to video from it

Can be door seal for sure
From the looks of your pictures I bet it’s leaking behind the windshield

This is the best time to learn, the truck has a need! Try a garden hose and see if you can Re create the leaks

No moonroof on this truck right?

Check your cowl drains just to make sure they are not plugged with mudd or leaves

You can do it! Make a nice how to video from it
No sunroof also where is the cowl drains at? the reason i say door seal is part of it is torn by the door latch ill send pics later also the only evidence of water is my driver side carpet is wet but weird thing is i can't recreate the leak i literally poured 5 gallons of distilled water all over the windshield all around and no leaks i'm very confused and i don't want to pull the windshield unless necessary i'm really hoping for a bad door seal as those are easy to fix also if it's the cowl drain how do i fix that?

Cowl drains are up in the wheel well behind the plastic liner
You maybe able to access them on a gen ii through the plastic windshield base plastics, I’m not sure I never tried
If these get plugged up over time the cowl will fill with water and you get wet floors

If the glass is not leaking the test the door seals
Or just replace them!! If one is torn consider getting new

I often find good door seals at the junk yard but new is sometimes better. Replacing all your seals can make a world of difference

Where your headliner is wet sure looks like an up high leak. Maybe your roof rack through bolts? Of those leak the water can run down inside channels to the lowest point (ie near windshield)

Did you try pouring water around the doors and door glass? Use garden hose

Do whole roof and tops of all doors

Cowl drains are up in the wheel well behind the plastic liner
You maybe able to access them on a gem ii through the plastic windshield base plastics, I’m not sure I never tried
If these get plugged up over time the cowl will fill with water and you get wet floors

If the glass is not leaking the test the door seals
Or just replace them!! If one is torn consider getting new

Did you try pouring water around the doors and door glass? Use garden hose
I sprayed everything and poured water everywhere and i can't duplicate the leak also where would i find these seals new at?

With headliner out you would have a better shot and finding leak

Does rockauto have door seals? They are same 91-2001 as far as I know

I just did all new seals on a super cab superduty what a pita that was those 4 door “super cabs” have like 6 seals on the stupid doors themselves let alone the 16’ long seal on the body side. Trying to order the correct seals online was a nightmare
Lucky for us explorer way more simple

The door seal
Actually pushes out on the door when closed and stops
Rattles wind noise and of course water

All of My trucks (5+) need new ones and I mean all of them lol lol
Please send money lol

With headliner out you would have a better shot and finding leak

Does rockauto have door seals? They are same 91-2001 as far as I know

I just did all new seals on a super cab superduty what a pita that was those 4 door “super cabs” have like 6 seals on the stupid doors themselves let alone the 16’ long seal on the body side. Trying to order the correct seals online was a nightmare
Lucky for us explorer way more simple

The door seal
Actually pushes out on the door when closed and stops
Rattles wind noise and of course water

All of My trucks (5+) need new ones and I mean all of them lol lol
Please send money lol
I got to looking and the water stain is around the plastic trim on the inside where the door seal and trim meet so i think i know where the leak is also thanks for the leak ill get that ordered asap also dang man super cabs are a pita to detail i couldn't imagine doing seals on one

Agreed that the first priority is to find the leak. Has the windshield been replaced recently?

I had several leaks on my Ranger, windshield, 3rd brake light, drip rails, body roof seams.


Agreed that the first priority is to find the leak. Has the windshield been replaced recently?

I had several leaks on my Ranger, windshield, 3rd brake light, drip rails, body roof seams.

Nope windshield hasn't been touched and i just went outside with a hose and can't recreate the leak

my bronco II was leaking around the back windows and the water would end up at my windshield area / headliner
So do not rule out the rest of the roof, especially if you park with the front of the truck downhill slightly

my bronco II was leaking around the back windows and the water would end up at my windshield area / headliner
So do not rule out the rest of the roof, especially if you park with the front of the truck downhill slightly
Well we got rain last night and the headliner is wet

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somewhere your roof is leaking! Rain will not usually come in through door seals with rain coming from direct over head
