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Solved Adding Fordpass Modem

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September 8, 2015
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2016 Explorer Sport ;p
I'm thinking of trying to locate the parts needed to install Fordpass in my 16 Sport. I do have Sync 3 installed. Has anyone here added Fordpass to vehicles that don't come with it? I searched and didn't find anything. I've found a guy on the F-150 forums that has done the upgrade.

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I have done it on a 2015 which is a different version of the CanBus network. IT's really not that hard. Just a constant power and Gound then a connection to the HS3(ICan) Network. You would need to go turn it on in the APIM with Forscan and set the correct connections with the TCU and your good for the most part.

If you got a TCU that has the WIFI hotspot than you will need to original VIN from the donor vehicle if you ever plan to use the WIFI hotspot on it. The rest will work fine.

I have done it on a 2015 which is a different version of the CanBus network. IT's really not that hard. Just a constant power and Gound then a connection to the HS3(ICan) Network. You would need to go turn it on in the APIM with Forscan and set the correct connections with the TCU and your good for the most part.

If you got a TCU that has the WIFI hotspot than you will need to original VIN from the donor vehicle if you ever plan to use the WIFI hotspot on it. The rest will work fine.
You have SYNC Connect working on a 2015?

You have SYNC Connect working on a 2015?
No/Kinda, The location tracking and Hotspot work in Fordpass for it but that is it so far. I have a few theories on how to use a GWM that is reprogramed to get it to work but I have not had time to try it yet.

@Exploder82 I sent you some information and a guide on how to install the modem in a 2016 Explorer.

Here are some screenshots from my 2016 in FordPass. As you can see, unlock/lock, remote start, TPMS, oil life, location, scheduled starts, and the Apple Watch app are all working.








@Exploder82 I sent you some information and a guide on how to install the modem in a 2016 Explorer.
Hey PlatinumOwner, would you be willing to send me this guide? I want to install a modem in my 2017 XLT would appreciate the guideance

Anyone have a guide or willing to post the steps and parts needed besides the obvious transceiver/modem/TCU module to add connected car functionality?


Appreciate your response I have replied to that thread and received no responses. I Messaged PlatinumOwner haven’t gotten a response as of yet. Did message another forum user and he wasn’t able to share the guide as it was no longer available in his cloud storage.

Appreciate your response I have replied to that thread and received no responses. I Messaged PlatinumOwner haven’t gotten a response as of yet. Did message another forum user and he wasn’t able to share the guide as it was no longer available in his cloud storage.
I apologize I just noticed you already tried in that thread.

Maybe try checking in on some of the Ranger/Edge/Taurus/F-150 forums? If you do find out, come back and let us know about it.

I apologize I just noticed you already tried in that thread.

Maybe try checking in on some of the Ranger/Edge/Taurus/F-150 forums? If you do find out, come back and let us know about it.
I will indeed come back and post the info if I nail it down. 👍🏻

Anyone have a guide or willing to post the steps and parts needed besides the obvious transceiver/modem/TCU module to add connected car functionality?
Your thread has been merged with this one on the same issue. There is no need to start a new one while waiting for a reply. The member you queried is active as of yesterday but could be busy.


Your thread has been merged with this one on the same issue. There is no need to start a new one while waiting for a reply. The member you queried is active as of yesterday but could be busy.

Thank you Peter. I started a new thread just incase there were others that did this retrofit but haven't commented on the thread this was merged with and would not receive notifications if a new comment was posted. I apologize.

@PlatinumOwner thank you for sending your guide, it was extremely helpful, and confirmed a few things I was suspect of.

My next question for you or others following this thread... my 5th gen is an XLT not Limited, I am not sure if I have a DSP that is found in the passenger side rear load space area like the Platinum models do (I haven't pulled the trim yet to confirm). but I do not have a subwoofer behind the third row, I have a storage space in this location. My concern is that if I don't have the DSP I am not able to tap into the HS3 connection or have access to constant power to complete the retrofit.

Is anyone able to confirm for me if there is a DSP on the XLT? If not, am I looking at running an HS3 and constant power harness from the rear to the front of the vehicle to tap the needed connections to make this retrofit work?

Thanks for any input.

This is old and some things are outdated/not available. Not mine btw. Not all things may be the same due to differing vehicle options (notably having the SONY DSP in the rear)


This is old and some things are outdated/not available. Not mine btw. Not all things may be the same due to differing vehicle options (notably having the SONY DSP in the rear)

Thank you! I do have a copy of that guide, which after looking over it, I had those few questions about the DSP and being able to access the HS3 CAN and constant power because the 2017 this retrofit and guide was done on was the Explorer Limited vs an XLT. I could go out and pull the trim and interior panel down but I really only wanted to do that one time. This is our daily driver so I am going to have to make sure I have all the pieces I need and a plan as to where to tap into constant power and HS3 CAN to be able to wrap this job up in a day. I will use my VIN and see if maybe I can identify the presence of the DSP using an online parts microfiche.

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So, it’s been a few weeks, I finally got the TCU, PIFA, antenna cable, and wiring harness made. This afternoon I took the plunge and pulled back the passenger side cargo area trim panel down and Unfortunately I don’t have a DSP. I looked through the wire bundles and didn’t see any Can + /Can - wires running in the harness. So I am turning back to the drawing board on how I am gonna get the TCU and PIFA antenna mounted and tied into the can bus system.

Does anyone know if there is anything under the rear cargo area trim panel on the drivers side that could be used??
