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Aftermarket Sunroof

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Me too. I believe I posted this awhile ago but no responses. If anyone read this can you name a place or chain that does these? I just want a moon roof or pop out so I can enjoy the sun sometimes. I'll risk the leaks.

I had a pop up/removable sunroof put in, it cost $400 installed and comes with a 10 year parts replacement warranty on everything except the glass and a lifetime leak guarantee. They have electric sunroofs but they run $1000+. I just went to a local custom truck shop and have been very happy with it. Mine didn't come with a shade so it gets hot in the summer, but I still like it.

hey guys, I have an aftermarket sun roof I pulled out of a mustang. I'd like to find it a good home cheap...send me email if you are interested

( hoping Perry will allow me to post this here )

Having the complete interior out of my truck, caused me to say Hey Why not a sunroof. Not wanting to be extravagant I ordered the 15 x 30 sunroof that is in the JC Whitney catalog. It showed up and I was absolutely impressed with the quality of the sunroof, and the mthod of installation... and then...

When I actually went to look and see if a 15 x 30 inch sunroof would fit, I learned that this one will not work without some sheet metal work to flatten out the channels in the roof. If you look at the top of your Ex you will see that there is a break in the channels to accomodate a sunroof... the 17 x 35 one would work just dandy (although if you have the dome lights like my XLT, you may have a little problem with the headliner, and having to relocate or replace the dome lights)

I decided I will not put in a sunroof. I have to get this darn truck put back together and get it on the road and in the mud. If I was going to put in a sunroof, I would have no qualms about ordering the 17 x 35 that JCW sells. It is very high quality, with excellent instructions and it is made in the US of A.

Joe How much do you want for it and what size is it,

also mahieber how much was the one out of the catolog

Generic sun roof out of Mustang...

The glass measures 33"x16.5"
The frame measures 35"x19"
Tinted glass no with scratches
Its a tilt up style
Rubber seal is in good condition--not dried out

There is the name "Saint Gobain" on the glass?

What do you think of $50+shipping?


Generic sun roof out of Mustang...

The glass measures 33"x16.5"
The frame measures 35"x19"
Tinted glass no with scratches
Its a tilt up style
Rubber seal is in good condition--not dried out

There is the name "Saint Gobain" on the glass?

What do you think of $50+shipping?

Did he buy it?

Generic sun roof out of Mustang...

The glass measures 33"x16.5"
The frame measures 35"x19"
Tinted glass no with scratches
Its a tilt up style
Rubber seal is in good condition--not dried out

There is the name "Saint Gobain" on the glass?

What do you think of $50+shipping?

Did he buy it?
