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Aiming lights on roof rack

What is the best way to correctly aim lights mounted on a roof rack (Surco Safari)? I have some Hella 500 fog light mounted low on a Westin Safari bar. They were pretty straight forward to aim. The lights going on the roof rack are Hella 500 driving lights and are obviously meant to shoot a lot farther down the road or trail. They will be mounted on Surco light mounts. What do you guys typically use for a reference when aiming? How far down the road? Any suggestions? I want to make sure I'm getting the most out of the lights. Thanks.

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Its really actually up to your preference. It depends on what you want. If you want to put out a lot of light straight ahead, just aim them accordingly. Some guys, though, like to be able to see more on the sides, so they aim the outter two lights towards the sides a little bit, to put some light out there. Then they aim the middle two down the center. As far as how high to aim them, that is also just your preference. Good luck, and keep us posted!


I have a pair of PIAA's 80XT on my roof rack. I also have a set of 520's on the front bumper. Both pairs are driving lights. The 80's are the brighter of the two pairs also.

I decided to aim by turning on my headlights, on low beam. The 520's are set to fill from where the low beams stop. The 80's are set to fill where the 520's stop. If I had another set of 80's on the roof, I'd aim them to the side(s) of the 80's aim straight ahead.

I do this, simply because I don't want to drive with high beams on at night.. (I feel I get more light on the ground in front of me this way.) Otherwise, I'd have to get a set of fogs, and fill from the front of the truck, to where the high beams would start.

Does this help any?

Great ideas!

Thanks for both responses. I hope to have the lights on the rack up and running this week or coming weekend. The fun part will be the wiring. I don't think these type of lights were meant to mounted so high. I picked up some extra wire and have a few ideas to route the wires. Any suggestions on a Sport (mine is a '98) would be appreciated. Thanks.

another good way of aiming your lights is by parking infront of you garage and seeing where they point.

also go out on a dirt road at night and see how much of the area you want lit up by moving them around.


the only thing you have to worry about when aiming lights on your roof rack is how much of the interior of the car in front of you is lit up or how squinty the eyes of the driver in front of you. if you cant make the interior of the car in front of you light up like it was day time, then aim higher!

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