AL4D Front Pump Seal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AL4D Front Pump Seal


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
October 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Pulaski, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer/2002 F-250
Pump seal damaged. Can you put a new seal in it and it be ok....The tranny only had around 8000 miles on it. I took the pump off and it does not look damaged or burnt in any way...

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I've done that with mine...

Just pulled the tranny, replaced the seal, and went back to running...

So far, I've run around 25 K on it since doing it, still going, but I recently popped it again, so time for another.

The issue with the A4LD and front seals is a bad bellhousing or fit in the bellhousing. There is no easy fix to the problem. It takes line-honing a new part in order to truly fix it -- something that most shops simply cannot or will not do.

While you have it apart, you might as well check out the three other things that are always happening -- all easy fixes...

  • Clean out and polish the governor valve in the tail housing -- causes sluggish 1-2 upshifts when cold.
  • Replace the seals on the apply servo -- under the 4 bolt plate on the end of the valve body. No need to pull the valve body to fix - just drop the cover, pull the piston, replace the seal with a new one, and slam it back together.
  • And, torque the valve body bolts with a GOOD torque wrench to factory specs. I've found WAY too many that are low on torque. This causes missed or slipped shifts, blown VB gaskets, and no reverse on occasion.
The front seal will be a bit tough to get out of the bore without pulling everything, but it can be done with persistence. I made a tool out of an old thin-long screwdriver to pry it out of the bore. Cost me $5 for the tool - and worth every penny.

Hope this helps.

Its not really a big me im just looking to sell it and i dont want it to be bad...

Right now i have my m5od, that i replaced the al4d with when the seal blew, tore copletly is getting new bearings and needs another part for second gear....
