Another Example of the "It's not my fault" mentality! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Another Example of the "It's not my fault" mentality!


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Found this today on I guess McDonalds forced these people to eat at gunpoint :shoot:. Didn't someone try this about a month ago too?? Nothing like being a lazy ass and then trying to profit off someone else for it!!

NEW YORK (AP) -- Are Big Macs hazardous to children's health?

Lawyers have filed a class-action lawsuit against McDonald's on behalf of New York children who have suffered health problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.

In federal court in Manhattan on Wednesday, a lawyer alleged that the fast-food chain has created a national epidemic of obese children. Samuel Hirsch argued that the high fat, sugar and cholesterol content of McDonald's food is "a very insipid, toxic kind of thing" when ingested regularly by young kids.

The plaintiffs include a Bronx teen who ate every meal at McDonald's for three years while living in a homeless shelter. Another is a 13-year-old boy from Staten Island who says he ate at McDonald's food three to four times a week and is now 5-foot-4 and 278 pounds.

McDonald's lawyer Brad Lerman insisted the lawsuit was a frivolous attempt to cash in on the Golden Arches, "the kind of lawsuit that shouldn't be in court."

"People don't go to sleep thin and wake up obese," Lerman said. "The understanding and comprehension of what hamburgers and french fries do has been with us for a long, long time."

McDonald's has asked Judge Robert Sweet to dismiss the case, arguing those who filed the claims cannot show their health woes were caused by Big Macs and insisting the company has never misled customers about its food. The judge did not immediately rule on the request.


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oh this one makes me sick.
why can't parents just take responsibility anymore? wonder what those parents serve their kids at home? steamed brocolli and brown rice with water? YEAH RIGHT!
and i would like to see a reporter follow the prosecuting lawyer and the families out during lunch. my bet is on fast food.

These people knew what was going to happen to them if they ate McDonalds 4 times a week. Stupid people, make me want to punch them in the face... Stupid people who think that they can make easy money like this are even worse. And then what will happen?! They will win thousands, perhaps millions, and then sit at home all day, not working a job, and... EATING FAST FOOD!!! :rolleyes:

That is a joke.

What is this country coming to? Wouldn't see something like this in Europe.

Sad thing is, it will probally go to court and they will battle for years and guess who gets to pay the court bills? That really pisses me off!

man, thats just stupid. The parents are dumbasses if they let their kids eat fast food every day and night. We all know it's not healthy, I maybe eat out once or twice a week for fast food and I'm perfectly in shape. Tell that lazy ass kid and the others to go start running and working out instead of sitting on their ass and blamming Mc Donalds.:D You can bet this case will go on for a long time.

Originally posted by B94Sport
Is it just me or did that guy just lose his case for himself? Come on! If the understanding has been with us for a "long, long time", these people knew what was going to happen to them if they ate McDonalds 4 times a week.

I believe Lerman is the attorney for McDonalds, not the one that is trying to bring this case forward.

Damn... I need to pay better attention to these things. :banghead: No more quick reading of the forum while at work!

Well when I eat thier french fries I get pimples and it really effects my love life which in turn effects my working situation which in turn causes me to loose money for lost wages. So can I sue them for causing undue stess on my love life and lost wages?

What you people think? Do I have a case or what?

Originally posted by Positive Vibes
What you people think? Do I have a case or what?

sadly.. some lawyer would probably take it...

Originally posted by JDraper
In federal court in Manhattan on Wednesday, a lawyer alleged that the fast-food chain has created a national epidemic of obese children.

So let me just make sure I got this straight:

McDonald's has done the nation an injustice. But pay off a few fat kids from New York, and they'll be obsolved?

I don't follow :confused:
