Anyone ever raced their sport trac? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone ever raced their sport trac?


Well-Known Member
November 23, 2008
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2004 sport trac xlt
:D lol has anyone ever raced their sport trac? i know when i firist got mine it was running like 18's in the quarter mile, now with some stuff done to it i got it down to high 14's in the quarter. Thats 1 reason im trying to get my lift so i can stop street racing in it. Its kinda funny to see peoples faces in there little hondas when they are trying to race you and then see a sport trac blow by them at like 135+ mph(dont recommend doing it! sport tracs tend to get light in the fron)

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I believe John Rock raced his in 2lo or 4lo a few years ago :D

What the hell did you do too get into the 14's......Four seconds is like an hour in the drag world.

i got a programmer, cold air, e-3's, and dont spin off the line, but its a high high 14, next month im planning on getting my heads port and polished, cams, headers, and my lift and tires. and a locker

i got a programmer, cold air, e-3's, and dont spin off the line, but its a high high 14, next month im planning on getting my heads port and polished, cams, headers, and my lift and tires. and a locker

Not trying to be crazy...........but something stinks around here.

Yes, its contradicts the goal to lift and not race anymore ;). Maybe the money should be spent on gears to save the drivetrain from future collapse. But then again, I'm not really into off-road "vehicles" and what not (I just drive a shuttle van), so I'm probably just blowing hot air.

Thats 1 reason im trying to get my lift so i can stop street racing in it.

I think he is shaving time by seat time and a few mods. Im not into the racing world so i cant put truth to his numbers or not.

I built a toyota supra many years back, I spent A LOT of dollars try to shave a second.............WoW If I only knew a cold air intake and a quick program would have done it......the money i would have saved.

And one more thing....................QUIT STREET RACING YOU oompaloompa!!!!!!!!

i race almost every friday night at a local 1/8

ive got
programmer, exhaust, intake, underdrive crank pulley, underdrive waterpump pulley, over drive alternator, performance throttle body, and coils

and i run a 10.2 in the 1/8

i race almost every friday night at a local 1/8

ive got
programmer, exhaust, intake, underdrive crank pulley, underdrive waterpump pulley, over drive alternator, performance throttle body, and coils

and i run a 10.2 in the 1/8

you ever make it down to chattanooga?

I had a 94 Lightning with a powerdyne pushing 8 lbs of boost, headers and lots more mods and could only get 14's at Bristol. I know my ST(has cold air kit) would not do anything close to the Lightning I had. That must be on bad a$$ ST you got!!!

Ok guys..................I didnt want this to turn into a burn fest, let the kid have his fun.

And sorry everyone for my poopy mouth.

And one more thing. TwoX, just remember for every little thing you think you know, theres always some one out there that knows your case alot more.

Ok guys..................I didnt want this to turn into a burn fest, let the kid have his fun.

And sorry everyone for my poopy mouth.

And one more thing. TwoX, just remember for every little thing you think you know, theres always some one out there that knows your case alot more.

until that last post I don't think anyone was really burning him, maybe he has mods we don't know about:dunno: hopefully he'll chime back in and let us know what the deal is. My guess is that he's going by a seat of the pants guess, because they're probably in the low 17, and maybe even high 16's stock.

Is there anyone that has run a stock st up the 1/4 with real numbers, Im curious to know. I dont think they'll do 16's but I could be wrong.

i dunno

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we race like almost everyday here, and i know i can beat a chevy with a 327 in the quarter, and he has work, and i can keep up with a chevy 6.0 with alot of work done under his hood on a roll. everyone ive raced says i have more work than i have but all i have is a Cold air, E-3 sparks, Dual straight pipes, Royal purple, and a programmer, im going to go run the qtr and take a picture of my programmer, i could be so wrong, we usally time it with a stop watch and i was told i was running high 14's, ill take a picture of it and post it up here.
