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AWD explorer as hot rod chassis...

just what the heck you doin' with this? Explain yourself buddy:p::D


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i have the caddy tails laying around somewhere

OK more pictures.
Working on making inner fenders fit.

It's tight around the front clip. Shame all this work will have to be redone now that I've noticed the cab mount problem.

Snug fit, like it was made for it !

All the fenders now they're blasted and black. Some repairs required.

just what the heck you doin' with this? Explain yourself buddy:p::D

Oh no I am BUSTED !

Ther theory is - if I can't get this thing into he 13's N/A without major internal changes (I am planning 1.7 roller rockers, the TM's and a tune thats about it) then the Turbo goes on.

It's from an International 444e more commonly known as a 7.3 Ford Turbo Deisel.
Rated at 580 hp and with a flow chart almost perfect for a stock 5.0 running 5-10 PSI it should most certainly get me deep in the 13's - or lower if all the running gear can hold it.

It'll be mounted stealthy like Justins expo, but a little further forward, just behind the cab under the bed !

OK these are the horrible cab mounts I am cutting off.

Left side. Notice the position of the square stamping on the frame rail. This is what I am measuring my alignment from.

Right side.
Notice the difference ? They're 1/4 inch out.
A 1/4 inch back here at the back at the cab makes a huge difference 6 feet forward at the front clip.

And this is what I will be replacing it with - Original offcuts ! WOW ! WHat a clever idea ! Screwed if I know why he didn't do this in the frst place, lazy, in a hurry who knows. At least he did a great job of the roof chop.

The originals will be bigger stronger and prettier and as an added bonus I will get the E brake guide tube back - maybe, depends on alignment.

I am going with moving the mounts back so the middle of the mount bolt lines up about 1/4 past the back edge of that square. I'll be cleaning up the mounts trimming them with the sawzall and tacking them on THEN mocking the whole front clip before any final welds.

All that work cutting out the inners will be redone to some degree but thats OK, I wasn't finished yet. The front frame horns will need to be trimmed back a bit also.

I tell you what, things go a LOT fast once you've got an air compressor and a welder. That was holding me up forever.
I hope to have all the chassis and body steel mocked up before the end of the month, including the bed.

Good work. I know about the body alignment issues, my first 93 total I had to loosen all of the mounts and push the body around. This time with the 99 I wisely left them all loose until I was ready to make it permanent. I had work in mind and set it back and to the left as much as possible. Take your time measuring, make it right. Regards,

Thanks dude !
I've let the truck project stagnate a bit because a severe lack of money, but not all is lost, I am planning to some more to it in the coming weeks. I also fixed up and heavily modified an old offroad trike recently.
The up side to the slow down is that I am now a MUCH better welder than I was at the start of the project and now have a lot more tooling.

Happy Birthday Bump!!

do u want to see a mean 1951 f1 my school built for a make a wish kid it's badass
click this link and watch the video


As badass as that truck is I really don't like the style, it's way too much black and the modern interior and wheels doesn't ring true with me. Looks like design by committee rather than someones inspired idea.

I would kill for that drive train though, put some of those valve covers that make the 4 valve look like an old Hemi and it'd be awesome.
Very very cool that they did this for make a wish.

How did I miss this thread - this is a fantastic buildup. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

just found this thread, what ever happened?

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My ears are burning !

I am still around, and so is the truck. Unfortunately practically nothing has happened since last time I posted. I opened a motorcycle and scooter repair business at the start of 2009 and is has just sucked the time right out of me. Pretty much any spare time I have has been spent customizing bikes.
That and I got divorced, that didn't help.

The truck sits dormant in my storage warehouse waiting for me to get back to it, possibly this winter. If anyone was really interested I would consider offers to sell it as a project. Not that I WANT to sell it, but if there money was right it.....

It's got - 51/52 Ford F1 cab and all sheet metal, California pieces with less rust than most 5 year old cars. Chopped about 3 1/2 inches with the roof re-skinned 2 inches and drip rails removed. All mounted too....
A 2000 Explorer chassis from a Limited with 120,000 K miles,with a Kansas title for that chassis. Engine, trans and rear end all in very good shape, ran perfectly when parked 2 years ago, kept inside and dry since. Wiring harness intact. Many spare Explorer pieces. Of yeah, Torque Monster Header installed.. Rolls on a set of 4 16x7 steel spare wheels with half decent tires.
