Wanted - Bull Bar / Light "Safari" Bar Pictures Wanted | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted Bull Bar / Light "Safari" Bar Pictures Wanted

Parts or services wanted


"I'm counting to 3, then I'm getting your dad."
Elite Explorer
March 16, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Woodstock, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Ford Explorer 4.6l
I've been tinkering with getting a Bull Bar or Light Bar (now called safari bar.)

I really want it for the light mounting capability and due to the price difference am leaning toward the smaller of the two, the safari bar. (By Westin, 30-0025)

I find that they look pretty nice from the front, but would like to see some side profile pictures. I'm concerned that it might look funny from that angle.

Anyone have one and can post some pictures?

Anyone have one and have not been happy with the purchase?

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Here are a couple of the wife's





Are you two happy with it?

Here's my push bar I installed off a 2nd gen explorer. Little small for the truck but It worked out well because I still have use of my front tow hooks with it.

An older picture with a different light set up


Are you two happy with it?

We are. I knew this is for looks not protection. I had to make a spacer & get longer bolts to be able to put the tow hooks on.

Here's my push bar I installed off a 2nd gen explorer. Little small for the truck but It worked out well because I still have use of my front tow hooks with it.

An older picture with a different light set up


How much cutting or trimming did you need to do to your bumper cover to get the push bar and tow hooks on? I want to put a brush guard on mine but I'm curious how much drilling, trimming, and cutting I will need to do.

How much cutting or trimming did you need to do to your bumper cover to get the push bar and tow hooks on? I want to put a brush guard on mine but I'm curious how much drilling, trimming, and cutting I will need to do.

I had to notch the bumper about an inch around the tow hooks so they would fit in the bumper cover. For the brush guard I had to notch about a 1x4inch tall notch to fit the brackets that stick out. However the bumpers for the explorers are different from the Mountaineers. I didn't need to drill any holes for the tow hooks, they just bolt right in. I only had to drill a hole in the mounting bracket for the brush guard to align right with the holes for the tow hooks if that makes sense.

Not the greatest picture but here's a pic of mine after I first put it on.


I have one on my '96 Explorer. We call them "Nudge bars" here (Australia) . . . for nudging the cars of inconsiderate motorists forward a bit . . .

3" diameter chromed alloy. Works a treat and comes up just past the Ford logo on the front of the car. They make them reasonably strong on the off chance you hit a 'roo. They really make your day when that happens!

But . . .

You cannot see it from the drivers seat. At all.

Makes parking nose-to-the-wall exciting. Allow about a foot from the end of the hood when parking or your nice new lights will get damaged.

I have one on my '96 Explorer. We call them "Nudge bars" here (Australia) . . . for nudging the cars of inconsiderate motorists forward a bit . . .

3" diameter chromed alloy. Works a treat and comes up just past the Ford logo on the front of the car. They make them reasonably strong on the off chance you hit a 'roo. They really make your day when that happens!

But . . .

You cannot see it from the drivers seat. At all.

Makes parking nose-to-the-wall exciting. Allow about a foot from the end of the hood when parking or your nice new lights will get damaged.

How do you like your Territory? Looks like it's a crossover of crossovers. Often wondered why they'd not sell their models in all countries.

I love it.
The Territory originally came out here when the Aussie dollar was so low that US SUV's were becoming very expensive.
Its a basic RWD configuration with a 4.0L straight six up the front. You can get AWD - but its not really necessary.
It holds the road better than the Explorer as it has a wider body.
And its all made here . . which is nice. The last of these will roll off the production line next year - bloddy shame. This one is really good.
Having owned two, I can tell you I'm no fan of the front wheeled drive car - particularly for something this big. It surprises me that the latest Explorer's look to be front wheel drive . . . .
In any case, I'm keeping this one. I'll drive it until it falls over. Parts are easy to get and the motor is the same is the Ford Falcon.
80% of all taxi's here are Falcons. The motors get 800-1 mil kilometers here, mostly on LPG . . so happy to have that pedigry in the front!

As for selling these in other countries - hard to compete with Korea, particularly for price. Its a shame really.

I wish the U.S. imported more cars from Australia, not just a couple here and there that GM produced.

I have a WAGG front runner on my EX wanted somthing to mount lights to but did not want to kill my approach angle. this works well and not may people have them.


I have a WAGG front runner on my EX wanted somthing to mount lights to but did not want to kill my approach angle. this works well and not may people have them.


Interesting, what's it look like from the side? I like how it protects the bumper.

I realise that this thread is for bull bars, but for those like myself wanting a real off-road bumper, I spoke with Jeff from Move Bumpers, LLC and he said all we need is like five people to be genuinely interested in having custom bumpers made for our gen 3's and they'll get the ball rolling. Check them out on Facebook and maybe we can, together, start making our Ex's stand out even more.

Here's what this style bar does in a wreck.


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Nice rig brudi, what's your specs?

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Nice rig brudi, what's your specs?

thanks man. appreciate it.

2004 4.0 XLT
265/70/17 AT2s
17" mustang GT wheels
1.5" wheel spacers all around
bull bar w/ 4x 1550 lumen LED floods
roof rack w/ 2x 1550 lumen LED floods (night fishing)
cb radio w/ 4' firestik & PA under the hood
alpine headunit w/ 12" Type R in a ported box in the back
full leather w/ 3rd row
LED interior/license plate/puddle lights
Factory Class I receiver, Curt Class III receiver below




sorry for the thread jack lol enjoy
