Change PS pump or not? And Mercon V or not? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Change PS pump or not? And Mercon V or not?


Elite Explorer
March 23, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Eau Claire WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer XLT4x4 SOHC
Hi all! I'm going to have a shop replace a crooked pulley, the serpentine belt, change the power steering fluid (which is dirty looking)and evaluate the AC system (never worked when I bought it). They mentioned also replacing the power steering pump. I don't seem to have any problem with the pump's functionality, only get a little whine at full lock or close to it. The difference is the price doubles if pump is replaced. Probably save a bit on labor if I have them replace the pump, but it would really strain the budget. What would you all do?

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Honestly it’s no easier changing it now vs later. You save draining the system and taking the belt off. Changing the PS pump is frankly an easy job.

If it’s fine, I’d wait.

Honestly it’s no easier changing it now vs later. You save draining the system and taking the belt off. Changing the PS pump is frankly an easy job.

If it’s fine, I’d wait.
Thanks so much. Very reassuring. Aren't failing PS pumps noisy or leaky? Mine isn't.
I didn't want to try to replace the crooked pulley myself as it's one of the lower ones, and not sure what tools are needed. Not sure if you use a bar to pull back on a tensioner pulley to remove the belt as we did on my 70s cars, but now I have time to look it up. So having the shop do that, and evaluate my AC system, it was 90 yesterday - I'm melting like the wicked witch, LOL

Depends on the truck. The SOHC you use a 3/8 ratchet or breaker bar, the 5.0 you use a socket and ratchet or breaker bar.

The pump on my 5.0 leaked for years before I got tired of the leak and replaced it. They’re pretty stout pumps. The entire PS system on my SOHC is still original at 338k

If the fluid is old and worn out, as soon as you put fresh fluid in, the pump will go out. I've had it happen a few times buying used cars with factory fluids still in them 20+ years later

Do not use Mercon v in power steering
Mercon iii or power steering fluid but never Mercon v

Changing the power steering pump requires a simple pulley puller the tool is about $$40 or you can rent one

@joney My recommendation is with the others, if the PS pump ain't broke, don't fix it. My PS fluid is black and overfilled, but I daren't touch it because it works just fine as-is and it has worked like this since before I got it 6 years ago. No funky noises, no funky feel, I'll ride it until it breaks.

And I'd run only PS fluid, personally. Might not make a difference, but that's what it was designed to use.

Beware of shops that try to sell you stuff. Pick another random shop around town and see if they recommend the same procedure; second opinions are free.

A/C wise, what's it doing or not doing? If it's completely unpowered, could be as simple as a bad switch or bad resistor. If it blows warm, could be a blend door or missing refrigerant. Does the heater and/or defroster work? If any functions work, do they work in all vent positions, and/or make odd noises?

Do not use Mercon v in power steering
Mercon iii or power steering fluid but never Mercon v

Changing the power steering pump requires a simple pulley puller the tool is about $$40 or you can rent one
Or rent one as A Loaner Tool. $40 AutoZone, just rented one.

Do not use Mercon v in power steering
Mercon iii or power steering fluid but never Mercon v

Changing the power steering pump requires a simple pulley puller the tool is about $$40 or you can rent one
You sure? Ford/Motorcraft specify V for the Explorer PS, and I’ve been using it in my systems for many years and miles, no issues.

I know the transfer case is an absolute no-no for V…

Ford said it was ok to run in the t cases for a while too

If they say run Mercon v then run it

I’m the engines I work on Mercon iii was spec so that is what I run 96-01 5.0 and 91-2000 ohv and 97-04

Which pulley is bent? Is it the largest one at the bottom?
I think so - which one is that? Belt seems to ride at an angle. Hadn't thought of doing it myself as it seems the radiator is in the way, any info and advice appreciated! Shop seems to be uncertain about what PS fluid to use also

Ford said it was ok to run in the t cases for a while too

If they say run Mercon v then run it

I’m the engines I work on Mercon iii was spec so that is what I run 96-01 5.0 and 91-2000 ohv and 97-04
It's a stock 98 Explorer XLT 4x4 with the SOHC.

@joney My recommendation is with the others, if the PS pump ain't broke, don't fix it. My PS fluid is black and overfilled, but I daren't touch it because it works just fine as-is and it has worked like this since before I got it 6 years ago. No funky noises, no funky feel, I'll ride it until it breaks.

And I'd run only PS fluid, personally. Might not make a difference, but that's what it was designed to use.

Beware of shops that try to sell you stuff. Pick another random shop around town and see if they recommend the same procedure; second opinions are free.

A/C wise, what's it doing or not doing? If it's completely unpowered, could be as simple as a bad switch or bad resistor. If it blows warm, could be a blend door or missing refrigerant. Does the heater and/or defroster work? If any functions work, do they work in all vent positions, and/or make odd noises?
Heater works well. Defroster blows air, I don't think the blend door is broke. AC does nothing but the air blows warm, I don't hear anything engage when I turn it on. Haven't done any diagnosis so far, didn't rent the vacuum pump setup from an auto parts shop. Have had good results so far with the mechanic shop, but of course if I could DIY it, would save me a ton of $!

A picture would explain it
Oh! You just reminded me, my hood release cable stretched out and I need to replace it ASAP. The hood latch is in the closed position (my goof) and I cant close the hood completely. D'oh, Homer Simpson moment. I think the heat here is getting to me LOL. Have to run some errands, will try to get a pic today however.

Wondering if the crank pulley is coming apart
I've had that happen with my jeep. The rubber let go on the hottest day of the year. 120 degrees and I was driving with the heater on to get home.

Ford said it was ok to run in the t cases for a while too

If they say run Mercon v then run it

I’m the engines I work on Mercon iii was spec so that is what I run 96-01 5.0 and 91-2000 ohv and 97-04
whats it now? i know they said no merc v (what was it? additives????) but then it was called XL1 or some kind of specific t case fluid. have been using that one, but i dont see it anymore.

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@joney A/C wise, on my Limited, those symptoms were the blend door actuator. Any position, any speed, everything worked except the cold air. I had the advantage of getting to hear the thunks in the dash before mine quit altogether. I bet if you tear into it, you'll find some thing like this.


If yours has the EATC, this part might be a touch more expensive and difficult to obtain. Otherwise, they can be had for cheap. I'd check this out before you pay somebody else to have a look at refrigerant, etc.

Hood latch, no sweat. Simply go under the dash, unscrew the hood release handle, remove the cable, and pull it with pliers or some such. Replace the cable if you want to.
