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Charcoal or Propane/Gas

Charcoal or Gas/Propane

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January 26, 2004
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2004 Acura TL
So, I was starting the grill and I was wondering: how many people use charcoal and why? And how many people use Propane/Gas and why? More than likely people use propane gas because its less maitnance, easy to start, and maybe for the flavor (if any). Charcoal, however has always been a BBQ-ers best friend (especially with ribs/steak). Anyhow, whats your reasoning?


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Used Charcoal for yrs, thinking it added flavor to meat, than I read an article stateing that the meat juices and fat dripping and smoking back up created the barbecue flaver.
Not the Charcoal.
Use propane now, cannot tell any diff in flavor.
As a quiz, do you know how charcoal briquits are made?

in the winter i'll use gas, but charcoal when its above 50 degrees hehe. in my family..well at least my dad and i, we bbq almost everyday, when im not at uni ofcourse. But charcoal, is what lets you have flavor.

I have 2 grilles, gas for the wife and charcoal for me, I only use real hardwood charcoal, none of that fake stuff. The only gas grill that has ever impressed me is one that my good friend has, but I cant justify the price tag because it costs way more than my explorer, $7500.

EMG7895 said:
I have 2 grilles, gas for the wife and charcoal for me, I only use real hardwood charcoal, none of that fake stuff. The only gas grill that has ever impressed me is one that my good friend has, but I cant justify the price tag because it costs way more than my explorer, $7500.
Good point
Mesquite charcoal rules, the briquits suck, have no wood in them

I got one of these last year and it has totally replaced our large bbq. It does food PERFECT, very easy to clean, and gives the flexibility to throw it in the back of the Ex. When not hooked up to a 20lb. tank I just keep it in the garage. The cast iron grates give great searing and flavor.

Real wood adds flavor, briquets leave a nasty taste (to me atleast). I've done side by side tests between wood and propane to prove that wood is better. Most people dont like wood because they think that its more work but it really is very easy, although I do agree that propane can be very convenient in the winter and when the weathers bad, just pull it up to the slider and grille.

I use real wood with my propane Que, couple small pieces of Oak, or oakbark soaked in water, lay them across the burners, you get plenty of smoke to flavor the meat

i use the wood kind, none of that put a flame to it and it lights stuff charcoal. True wood takes awhile but its worth it...when its warmer.

Propane. Grill more that way.

I use a propane grill currently. I used to, and will once I buy a house, use a natural gas grill. Never need to fill that stupid tank again.

I prefer charcoal. I usually keep some mesquite out back and cut a few slices off and pitch in there. I also have a nice gasser, and honestly we use it alot more than charcoal because its so easy. If its cheap stuff like chicken, fish, hot dogs, it gets the gas. If its steaks or burgers then i use the 'coal.

I use propane at home and charcoal when camping. I prefer the charcoal

I use charcoal with my small grill on the no yard.. :D

I grew up on charcoal, but only use gas now.. I just don't have the time to start the coals and wait for it to heat up.. My family tends to be spur of the moment with everyone going in multiple directions all the time; waiting for coals won't cut it.. Not that is a huge concern, but I would also be slightly worried a charcoal grill could get tipped over while the coals are still smoldering and cause a fire.. We have lots of deer around and if one got spooked it could bump into the grill knocking it over..

i would BBQ if i had a grill! :thumbdwn:

propane using wal-mart's 65$ special, just have to get used to where the hot and cold spots are!

I used to use charcoal
Then one night, My neighbors were in the house sleeping after a late night cookout, their dog knocked the grill over on their deck.
The coals weren't out, 3:00 AM sirens woke the nieghborhood.
The entire rear of their house was in flames.
Since I also have a deck, and 2 dogs, and I sleep like a log, well It's gas for me.
I have a 25 year old Falcon grill
It is well seasoned, gives great flavor
For more smoke flavor, I add some wild cherry sticks once in a while

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I've used Charcoal for some time now, in the cold or hot. It only takes around ten minutes for the wood to get good and ready. For years now I'll take some vegatable oil and drizzle some onto a piece of newspaper. I'll add the wood into a charcoal starter and put the paper under the starter. Light the paper and walk away. In a few minutes the oil has burned off, and the coals are all but ready. I like coals best not so much due to the flavor, but how much easier it is to control the heat. Plus it's a heck of alot cheaper. :D

Besides, one of my favorite ways to cook in the summer is using a dutch oven. Can't do that very well with gas. :D Just add the charcoal to the lid of the oven, and walk away. Makes for a great time camping by not having to watch over the food all the time.
