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Check Charging system


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April 9, 2024
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2011 Ford Explorer Xlt 3.
Okay I bought my 2011 explorer last year with a bad ptu and alternator. I replaced the alternator with a used one and everything was fine. So on to the ptu ...I bought a used one and I put it in about a month ago. Started it and ran and drove fine. So the brakelights stayed on when the car was off which were dying the battery over night. Replaced the brake light switch and took the battery out to replace it. I put the new battery in and doesn't crank. Everything turns on it just doesn't turn over or anything but it says check charging system again. What would be the problem?

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Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Was the replacement alternator a Ford unit? Many members have had issues with non-Ford units.
Did you try to start the vehicle before changing the battery? Depending on its age, perhaps all it needed was to be charged. Was the new battery fully charged? Do you hear the starter solenoid clicking at all?


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Was the replacement alternator a Ford unit? Many members have had issues with non-Ford units.
Did you try to start the vehicle before changing the battery? Depending on its age, perhaps all it needed was to be charged. Was the new battery fully charged? Do you hear the starter solenoid clicking at all?

The alternator was a used one from the scrap yards that came off another explorer. The battery is brand new and fully charged. When I turn the key all the electricals turn on but it doesn't even try to crank up. Battery light and check charging system pops up
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Was the replacement alternator a Ford unit? Many members have had issues with non-Ford units.
Did you try to start the vehicle before changing the battery? Depending on its age, perhaps all it needed was to be charged. Was the new battery fully charged? Do you hear the starter solenoid clicking

Any chance you may have blown a fuse during the battery replacement? Could be a lack of power to the ignition system.
Do the brake lights now work? Are you able to put the vehicle into accessory mode?


Any chance you may have blown a fuse during the battery replacement? Could be a lack of power to the ignition system.
Do the brake lights now work? Are you able to put the vehicle into accessory mode?

I checked all fuses and they're all good

Ok here's a update. I bought the Forscan app and I reset the bms so the charging system warning is off. The only thing now is system starting fault. A B10d7 PATS key code is stored so I'm guessing I have to get key programmed ??

On the charging system, I replaced my battery last fall and while I have access to FORScan to reset the BCM I just followed the instruction in the owners manual.

I took the old battery out and let my Explorer sit overnight, around 15 hours before I installed the new battery. Then when I started it up I expected to have to reset all of my radio settings but they were all there still.

5 months later I haven't had a "check charging" code pop up.

If you or future posters don't have the owners manual here is a PDF of the procedure.

Good luck on you key fobs.


  • Explorer Battery.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 16
